Anonymous ID: 8061d3 Dec. 3, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.20019842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9854 >>9859 >>9987

Anons, the movie, Family Switch, on Netflix has so many comms… Codenames, with what appear to be plans and instructions for bad actors?


I began watching with my family, and after 2 minutes, I had to start taking notes on my phone.


It's about the walker family where they magically swap bodies with each other. The baby, curiously, swaps with the dog…


Planetary alignment 3 days before Christmas

(The ancient egyptians noted that Dec 22, 23, and 24, the sun stopped moving, anything moving to be declared dead. The sun started moving on the 25th, meaning the rebirth of the sun.) (Maybe referring to a worldwide gathering of the initiates/masters days before Christmas, or the battle itself?)


Meatloaf 'Iwould do anything for love, I'd go right into he'll and back' plays as the star of David is in the background. Then the song fades.


Disorganization of the school band, no real enthusiasm

Talking about Skywalker(Osiris) and the death star (horus' eye lost in the war) and the force(missing piece of osiris, phallus, word of freemasonry).


Then talking about they aren't a bunch, but one collective group (All the secret societies and the bodies of initiates are being united)


Then the band starts enthusiastically playing "Seven Nation Army" (Salvation army? Or possibly the army of all the secret societies?)


War of 1812 - cannon? (Cannon 1812 overture - The music's firepower symbolizes the more than 1,000 cannons the French army used during its invasion of Moscow at the Battle of Borodino in 1812. [Maybe indicating something to all of the French initiates?]


During the picture sparks came out of the woman's left eye, zoomed out on the planets then back in. (Horus had an eye of destruction that was lost in battle) (Maybe their secret weapon is lost??)


Telescope broke(looking glass, or secret weapon?)


The daughter (in the moms body) is wearing a jacket with broken bones along the arms.


"I'm 17 again"


"I'm 13 going on 30"


"My Yale interview" (Skull and bones)


"Remember when the planets lined up there was a crazy flash"



"Alpha energy" (the beginning?)

3 dogs

Points to 1 "discipline"

Points to another "chaos"


"Nancy pelosi"


"You look like you're 6"


"About 4/5 hours of work (9)"


The daughter has a white helmet with a red and blue stripe. And the word thousand (a reference to the body of initiates) [red white blue? American initiates?]


Mom (in daughter's body), Cece has a shirt on (black and white stripes/ red lined collar– balance of good/evil )

Je taihe? Printed on the front

( Taihe - Hall of Supreme Harmony or Taihe Hall, the largest hall within the Forbidden City in Beijing; Taihe Institute, a leading Chinese think tank based in Beijing.)


"Whose this creature?"


Tillamook ice cream in drawer?


Spells out "W-A-L-K"


"Keep head down, make eye contact with Noone"

"About to run the gauntlet"


"This is life and death"


"3, 3 balls" (33 degrees?)


  • Molson group presentation -

Jefferson Gardens Phase 2 on presentation board


"Here at atlas"

"Heres the Church, heres the steeple, open the door and there's the people"


"40 years"


"If anyone Passes you the ball, you pass it back"


"Mother of the century, I hold space for the mistakes of all of my children" (A reference to Isis [the church/order]. Possibly saying that anyone who made past mistakes are welcome again, as long as they participate in the coming battle?)


"Bmo Stadium

"Unicorns vs Daredevils"


"Daredevils have their own secret weapon"


"I don't know all the players names. I don't know anyone's names" (everyone was given nicknames)


"When we play jeopardy, who always wins"


"The body language is all wrong" (possibly a reference to those not knowing the sign are our lawful prey?)


"That is not enjoyment, that's judgement" (final battle)


Poster in background says 'Turn up he heat"


"John and I had issues" time slowed, low voices, beating heart, a player got hit in the back then the mom spit her drink out all over the back of the person's head (symbolizes JFK assassination) (possibly symbolizes threat to initiates if they cause problems with the plan?)


Redman hypothesis?


"Popped out 3 kids and works 60 hours a week" (three 6's, 666, 18/1+8=9)


"Blackhawk Down"




"Cyborgs? Robots"


"You just want me to be like you, think like you, and act like you" (saying to act as one)


"Aus, stuck?" (Australia?)


"We can't find the 5th lense"


"Thorium oxide" (radioactive)


"Lausanne switzerland" (the St. George Masonic Lodge [emblem has a red cross in it] could red cross or red red have pointed here too?)


End of Part 1

Anonymous ID: 8061d3 Dec. 3, 2023, 10:47 a.m. No.20019854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9890



Part 2

"Maybe you'll catch the next alignment"

"Not possible, The Next alignment is in 2162" (The alignment in 2162 is Saturn opposition of the Sun. My take is they're saying anyone thinking of sitting this one out is in opposition of the master. It almost screams desperation, like this is the last chance.)


"Fix what is broken. Specialized lense" (the missing piece, the lost word that will make Osiris [the secret doctrine] whole and be seated as king again [the one world religion] after the armies of 'their' darkness are defeated)


"Spock"?? (I'm guessing a nickname?)


Jimmy got ejected from a large jumping bag.

"Is Jimmy fine?" "I don't think he's moving" (Jimmy carter?)


"WE can not wait to see what you cooked for dinner"


"I know a cry for help when I see one"


"Minumum of 12 kisses a day" (12 is 3+4+5 sacred geometry [Master/Church/initiates] everyone will be there?)


/// Reader's note

Sacred geometry:

3 sides of Triangle

3 Short, Osiris/The Doctrine/Teachings/origin

4 Long, Isis/The Church/recipient

5 Hypotenuse, Horus/Progeny of Osiris and Isis (Doctrine and Church)/The body of initiates/result

This is where the Square in freemasonry comes from. The 90 degree angle is where Osiris/Isis converge.(Intellect/Lucifer/Light/Sun/Doctrine and the Church/Moon)


It is the symbol of rebirth and the travel/work Horus takes from East to West. Horus, born of Isis. Through the great work he becomes one with Osiris, at the point where Osiris decends(dies) and is reborn again.



"WE kissed like 14 times" (missing piece of osiris, lost word of freemasonry)


"They're like a pack of wolves "


"He looks like an iguana" (Sandler? He recently played an Iguana in the movie LEO. This is a long shot)


"I'll get the chicken" "I'll get the fixins" the very next scene "hey girls" (sacrifice to moloch?)


"Mistletoe"?? (Gift from heaven)

'I would run right into he'll and back' plays as they start to kiss.


"3.14, that's amazing"

"You'll get that one when you take geometry, again."


"I don't dance, I play dungeons and dragons"


"Stuck in this hag body"


"First time in 20 years"


Ramones 'merry Christmas I don't want to fight tonight'

"It's getting Hot, Hot, Hot here on Christmas eve"

"Santa coming tonight" (satan)

"May just bring a Christmas miracle"


"Everyone has nicknames today" "can I be beyonce?"


"The answer you're looking for is 42"


"Differential geometry"

"Notre Dame" "Parthenon"


"10 million watching"


"Gwenyth, no more candles"


"NO less than 1,000 videos of her playing" (1,000 points of light is a reference to the body of initiates of the secret societies. Possibly all the societies, everyone is 'playing' [joining in the battle]


"Not like sacrifices, because they're for(4) your kids"

"Vacation 5 years"

"Promotion 3 years ago" (12 sacred geometry again)


"Walkers never quit"


"Mr Molson, Mr Hanes, you're safe today, no dairy for breakfast"


"They know these plans better than everyone""they'll take you through every detail"


"Just 1 more minutes, I don't have 1 minute" (11)


"Maroon 6" "isn't it maroon 5?" (11)


"Would i trade what I have now, for anything in life?"


"I'm not doing the show" "pretty sure Yale won't be calling"


"I haven't heard anything from spock about the lense"


"Tell me its about the family Christmas videos"

"When I'm with you guys I'm not afraid"


The family band plays 'Santa clause is coming to town' (satan) as a huge audience is cheering them on.


Dad (the dad's band) or alive logo has a Skull on it.

Anonymous ID: 8061d3 Dec. 3, 2023, 10:48 a.m. No.20019859   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Part 3



Snowflake hanging, looks like star of david


Howie Mandell "Dad or alive, you're going to hollywood"


"Im awarding you the Jefferson gardens project"


"That's my prized posession"


"37 minutes"

"To get across town we'll need a rocket"


"69 Yenko camaro" green in color

'Run run Rudolph' plays a very short clip "run run Rudolph, you know you're the mastermind"


"Angelica, what are you doing here"

"I think you need a little Christmas miracle, hop in"


The son (in dad's body) slips and the lense flies in the air, falls, then breaks and shatters.


The baby (in the dogs body) ended up having the original lense


"Miles must have picked it up and put it in Santa's pocket?"


The alignment happens, the family waits, but there is no switch back.


'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire plays'


"Whatever happens next, we'll get through it together"


The family goes to sleep.


Lights flicker outside, wind picks up, Angelica drives off.


The family wakes up all In their own bodies.


"Yale says I'm not ready yet"


"Yales not going anywhere. If I leave now I'll miss out on too much"


Wyatt to Arianna:

"Minecraft later?" "well go on my server, yours is a little crowded"


Daughter was given a second chance. After a 'horrible game' She talked to ger mom who thought they were saying no. Mom says you have to say yes!


Back of the van, as it's driving away, says 'know your future'.


The bloopers contain a bunch more comms, they went by too quickly, but I did catch:
