Anonymous ID: 110178 Dec. 3, 2023, 1:04 p.m. No.20020306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0314 >>0355

RFK JR drops massive truth bombs‼️


“There’s an argument that Covid 19 is ethnically targeted. Covid 19 attacks certain races disproportionately (…) Caucasians and black people. The races that are most immune to Covid 19 are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”


“We are developing ethnic bioweapons, that’s what all those labs in the Ukraine are about, they were collecting Russian DNA”


(A reminder that Hunter Biden is connected to the biolabs in Ukraine via Rosemont Seneca.)

Anonymous ID: 110178 Dec. 3, 2023, 3:45 p.m. No.20020908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0919 >>0945 >>1032 >>1079

US Military whistleblower LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian Bio-weapons Labs:


“It originally started in 2005 with the Defence Intelligence Agency…which created a 501 C3…called the Global Viral Forecasting Institute…with a Mossad Operative named Nathan Wolfe…which became Metabiota.


This was funded by Rosemont , an investment firm, where Hunter Biden was the head of…along with Christopher Heinz (John Kerry’s son) and Paul Pelosi…Nancy Pelosi’s son.


The West has been developing this under Obama and Biden for the last 10 years for the purposes of generating Biological and Chemical Warfare to use against the Russians, which is why they’ve been collecting DNA samples from Slavic People. Revelations of a Massive War Crime…Crimes Against Humanity …as it’s a violation of the Global Biological Weapons Agreement.


This shows America with its 30 BIOLABS in Ukraine was involved in the experimentation on Human to Animal Transmission…which is precisely the origin of ‘Covid-19’."

Anonymous ID: 110178 Dec. 3, 2023, 3:51 p.m. No.20020939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1032



‼️Hunter Biden and his firm Rosemont Seneca was directly involved in the financing of Metabiota, one of the companies entrusted by the US and Ukrainian government to undertake the construction and management of the biolabs.


‼️The founder and chairman of Metabiota, is Dr. Nathan Daniel Wolfe


‼️Dr. Wolfe also serves on the editorial board of EcoHealth Alliance ( a company who became famous for its notorious “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the alleged epicenter of the SARS COV2 outbreak.


‼️The CEO of EcoHealth Alliance is Peter Dazsak (, who works with Dr Nathan Wolfe as part of a consortium and initiative led by USAID called, PREDICT.


‼️Dr. Wolfe was also a member of DARPA’s Defence Science Research Council.(DSRC).


‼️Wolfe is also an alumni of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program.

Anonymous ID: 110178 Dec. 3, 2023, 3:53 p.m. No.20020949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1032 >>1056

We can get a rough idea of the US political elites’ involvement in the military biological activity in Ukraine if we rely on open sources as well as leaked documents. Below is an attempt to reconstruct the chronology of this involvement, though not a comprehensive one. There are many gaps in this truly diabolical plan that are still to be filled.


‼️1991 – the US launches the Nunn-Lugar programme for the former Soviet countries to control/eliminate Soviet weapons of mass destruction including bioweapons. The Pentagon's Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) was named as the programme’s main executor.


‼️1993 – the Ukraine-US Agreement on the Prevention of Proliferation of WMD is signed.


‼️2005 – an additional protocol is signed to the agreement between the Ukrainian Health Ministry and the DTRA on the prevention of the proliferation of technologies, pathogens and know-how that can be used to develop bioweapons. This is the start of the transfer of the Ukrainian military biological potential into US specialists' hands.


‼️2000s – large US military-industrial companies are engaged in military biological activity in Ukraine.


‼️2005-2014 – Black & Veatch Special Projects, a DTRA contractor, builds and upgrades 8 biolabs in Ukraine instead of eliminating military biological infrastructure, as was originally claimed. One of the facilities, a biolab in Odessa, has been financed since 2011 for the study of “pathogens that can be used in bioterrorism attacks.”


‼️2007 – US DoD employee Nathan Wolfe founded Global Viral Forecasting Institute (subsequently - Global Viral), a biomedical company. The mission stated in the charter is non-commercial study of transborder infections, including in China.


‼️2009 – Rosemont Seneca Partners is established by former US Secretary of State John Kerry’ stepson Christopher Heinz and incumbent US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.


‼️2014 – anti-constitutional coup d’etat in Ukraine.


‼️2014 – Hunter Biden joins the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company.


‼️2014 – Metabiota, a private commercial organisation specialising in the study of pandemic risks is detached from Global Viral. Neil Callahan and John DeLoche, employees of Hunter Biden’s company Rosemont Seneca Partners are appointed to the board of Metabiota. Global Viral and Metabiota begin to get funding from the US Department of Defence.


‼️2014 - Metabiota shows interest in Ukraine and invites Hunter Biden to "assert Ukraine's cultural & economic independence from Russia".


‼️2014 - Metabiota and Burisma Holdings begin cooperation on an unnamed "science project in Ukraine".


‼️2014 - Metabiota, Global Viral and Black & Veatch Special Projects begin full-fledged cooperation within the US DoD programmes.


‼️2014-2016 - Implementation of Metabiota and US DoD contracts, including a $300,000 project in Ukraine.


‼️2016 – US citizen Ulana Nadia Suprun, a descendant of Ukrainian Nazis, is appointed Acting Health Minister of Ukraine. The US DoD and Ukraine’s Health Ministry cooperation programme is greatly expanded.


‼️2016 – an outbreak of swine flu among Ukrainian Defence Ministry personnel guarding a biolab in Kharkov, Ukraine; 20 dead.


‼️2016 – former US Assistant Secretary for Defence Andrew Weber is appointed head of Metabiota’s global partnerships department.


‼️2016 – EcoHealth Alliance, a Global Viral founder Nathan Wolfe’s structure, is engaged in the study of bat-transmitted coronaviruses at the Wuhan laboratory, China.


‼️2016 – the DTRA and Ukraine’s Health Ministry extend the contract after getting approval from the Ukrainian Defence Ministry.


‼️2019 – the COVID-19 mutated bat coronavirus pandemic begins with an outbreak in Wuhan.


‼️February 24, 2022 – launch of the Russian Operation Z in Ukraine.

‼️February 24-25, 2022 – rapid elimination of strains in biolabs in Ukraine.


‼️March 8, 2022 – US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland openly acknowledges the existence of US funded bioresearch centres.