Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 1:09 p.m. No.20020329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0486 >>0897 >>1032

2 Dec, 2023

Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ – Guardian

The media outlet has lamented that youthful citizens are increasingly backing “xenophobic” populists who prioritize their needs


European voters under age 35 are increasingly supporting “far-right” political candidates,not out of xenophobiabut because conservative populists seem to offer more solutions to the quality-of-life issues that concern them most, the UK’s Guardian newspaper has claimed.


“Across the continent,the image of the radical-right voter– typically white, male, non-graduate and, above all, old –is changing, and studies suggest that in several countries,support for the far right is growing fastest among younger voters,” the Guardian said on Friday. Italian political scientist Catherine de Vries told the newspaper that while many young voters aren’t in ideological alignment with far-right candidates, they are swayed by those whopledge greater “livelihood security”as their lives become more precarious.


The Guardian noted that conservative parties are appealing increasingly to young voters in suchcountries as Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. The trend also was evident in last week’s Dutch election, in which the victorious Party for Freedom (PVV) fared even better among voters under age 35 than it did overall.


A 24-year-old Amsterdam man told the media outlet that he and his friends voted for PVV leader Geert Wilders because the right-wing candidate “wants to figure out the housing crisis and make our health care better.” He added that many “woke” people in big cities focus on such issues as climate and gender while ignoring the “real problems” facing Dutch citizens today. “I am not a racist because I voted for Wilders. It frustrates me that migrants receive more help from the government than Dutch people, but I’m not against Islam. I don’t want mosques closed. I just think we need to control immigration better.”


Other political analysts lamented thatfar-right parties had successfully positioned themselves as “cool,” in some cases skillfully reaching large audiences on social media. One observer claimed that a rising “ultra-right”counterculture has been able to “reach and radicalize” many young Europeans.


However,Pawel Zerka, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said economic insecurities are the key driving force. “Young voters haven’t moved rightwards on migration, abortion, minority rights,” he said.“Far-right parties have convinced them that they offer a credible economic alternative.” (Oh Thank God they still like migration, abortion and minority rights! Not for long dude, they’ll soon learn those policies are reducing their economic survival! Kek what an idiot!)


A 22-year-old woman in Amsterdam said she and her family members voted for the PVV party because the current Dutch government didn’t seem to care about their top concerns, including inflation. “When it comes to migration, people from a war country deserve a better life here, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of Dutch people,” she said.

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 1:17 p.m. No.20020351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0486 >>0570 >>0897 >>1032

2 Dec, 2023

US college enrollment falling – CNBC (CIA failing to woo more propaganda tools)

More students question the return on investing in a degree, the broadcaster reports


Enrollment in colleges across the US continues to decline, CNBC has reported, citing data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.


The trend, which began during the Covid-19 pandemic, when many opted to get a job or complete a certificate program instead of seeking a four-year degree, does not appear to be reversing, the broadcaster reported in an article on Friday.


As of September, freshmanenrollment in US colleges went down by 3.6%, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center survey revealed. “Almost all of the freshman declines occurred atbachelor’s programs at public and private four-year institutions,” it said.


Another paper from the same center pointed to a stall in completion rates in six-year colleges. According to the figures,nearly a third, or 29% of all students enrolledin such programs in 2017, have dropped out or put their education on hold.


“This is more bad news for four-year colleges,”Doug Shapiro, the executive director of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, told CNBC. “Not only have fewer of the 2017 starters completed as of 2023, but the data also show fewer still enrolled,suggesting that this is more than just a matter of slower progress during the pandemic years,” he explained.


According to Shapiro, rising college costs and “ballooning” student debt balances are making more prospective students question the return on investment in higher education.


The Federal Reserve said last month that the total student debt in the US has nearly tripled since 2008,increasing from $619 billion to more than $1.77 trillion.


CNBC also cited studies by Lumina and Gallup pollsters that suggested that most of those who put their education on hold did so due to financial issues such as program costs, inflation, and the need to work.


The broadcaster stressed that the decline in college enrollment was taking place even before Junewhen the Supreme Court torpedoed US President Joe Biden’s student debt relief plan. The judges ruled that the president, who is seeking reelection in 2024, had overstepped his authority by suggesting to cancel up to $20,000 of student debt for tens of millions of Americans.


(College sucks because no one wants to pay to learn how to be mouthpieces of propaganda!)

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 1:29 p.m. No.20020404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0445

Karma is a bitch!

2 Dec, 2023

Germany has no time to discuss EU budget – bloc official

Olaf Scholz’s government is too engrossed in domestic problems at the moment, a commissioner told reporters


The German government has been unable to take part in discussions on EU finances, the bloc’s budget commissioner, Johannes Hahn, has told journalists. Berlin is too concerned with domestic issues to commit resources to Brussels, he added.


Earlier this year, Germany – along with several other member states – opposed the European Commission’s request for an extra €66 billion ($72 billion) to cover unexpected spending, suggesting thatBrussels should instead slash other areas of its current budget.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s cabinet is grappling with a massive fiscal shortfall at home after the Constitutional Court last month prohibited it from repurposing €60 billion ($65 billion) in unused funds left over from the Covid-19 pandemic.


In a report on Friday, Politico quoted Johannes Hahn as saying that the “biggest problem is that Germany is so distracted by domestic issues that they literally don’t find time to deal with” EU finances.


The official argued that Berlin, as the “biggest economy in the European Union,” has a “particular responsibility,” and that without Germany’s participation, “we will not come to an agreement.”


The commissioner also rejected suggestions previously made by a group of member states led by Germany, which called on Brussels to redeploy existing funds to finance new priorities. Hahn explained that this would be difficult to implement in practice, withthe EU budget already in the red.


The issue is expected to dominate the agenda at the European Council summit on December 14-15.


The extra funding that theEuropean Commissionwants to secure would, among other things,go to Ukraine, with some €17 billion in grantsenvisaged.


Last month, Ukrainian Finance Minister Sergey Marchenko warned thatKiev would requirefinancial aid from the start of2024 to fill an estimated $29 billion budget shortfall, or else it could go bankrupt. (Let it happen!)


Also in November, Reuters quoted several anonymous diplomats as saying that some member states, including Germany, had expressed seriousmisgivings about Brussels’ plans to shell out some €20 billion ($21.4 billion) on military aid for Ukraineover thenext four years. One official told reporters at the time that the “likelihood of [EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep] Borrell’s original proposal being adopted was declining.”


Late last month, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said his country faced a €17 billion ($18.66 billion) gap in the 2024 budget following the Constitutional Court’s ruling.


(The EU destroyed its states by going all in with US idea to destroy Russia with a 5th rate tool of Ukraine. Its only going to get worse from here. Scholz will be tried for treason allowing the US to blow up Nord Stream 2. It’s all going to come out. The blame will be pointed at Germany. Wait until the EU starts reporting on the US being destroyed and our economy collapsing.)

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 1:36 p.m. No.20020421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0486 >>0897 >>1032

Foreign Minister Meets with Russian Counterpart Sergey Lavrov

MTI-Hungary Today 2023.12.01.


It is in the national interest to maintain stable, predictable, and fair cooperation between Hungary and Russia, and the government rejects any pressure to end this, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó underlined in a statement issued by the Ministry in Skopje, Macedonia on Thursday.


Following talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, the Hungarian Minister said that it remains in the national interest to maintain bilateral cooperation in certain areas. “We are implementing our foreign policy on the basis of national interest. We do not accept any pressure from outside, and therefore we will continue to cooperate with Russia in the coming period in the same way as we have done so far in securing Hungary’s energy supply,” he stressed.


He welcomed the fact that the expansion of the Paks nuclear power plant is progressing well. “It remains a realistic goal (…) to connect the new units of the Paks nuclear power plant to the grid in the early 2030s,” he underlined.


As the statement reads, Sergey Lavrov assured that Russia and Russian companies will fully meet their obligations under the contracts signed and will deliver the necessary gas and oil on schedule. “Thus, (…) Hungary’s natural gas supply will continue to be guaranteed, despite the extra tax imposed by the Bulgarians on gas to be delivered to Hungary, Serbia, and northern Macedonia through Bulgaria,” he said.


Péter Szijjártó also noted that during their talks he had informed his Russian counterpart that Hungary remained committed to peace in Ukraine. “It is important for us that weapons should not be firing in our region, but rather that peace talks should finally begin. (…) Hungary is standing up in all international organizations for keeping the channels of communication open, for a ceasefire as soon as possible and for the start of peace talks,” he pointed out.

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 1:44 p.m. No.20020448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0486 >>0897 >>1032

The US should focus on this!

Positive Changes in the Rate of National Population Decline

Hungary Today 2023.12.01. Based on preliminary data, 7,089 children were born and 10,706 people died in October, reports Magyar Nemzet. Compared to October last year, the number of births fell by 5.9 percent, deaths by 6.7 percent, and marriages by 9.6 percent. The natural population decline has slowed down, the Central Statistical Office emphasized.


In October, 7,089 children were born, 5.9 percent (444) fewer than a year earlier. A total of 10,706 people died, 6.7 percent (769) fewer than in October 2022. The natural death rate was 3,617 in contrast to 3,942 in October 2022.


It was also reported that 4,261 couples married in October, 9.6 percent (451) fewer than in October 2022.


Between January and October, 71,778 babies were born, 2.7 percent (1,999) fewer than January-October 2022. Within this, the number of live births was 7.7 percent higher in January-March, 2.1 percent lower in April, 9.3 percent lower from May-June, and 6 percent lower from July-October compared to the same months in 2022. The estimated total fertility rate per woman is 1.52, compared to 1.53 a year earlier.


Between January and October, 104,404 deaths occurred, 7.5 percent (8,451) fewer than a year earlier. The number of deaths was 11 percent lower between January-February, 4.2 percent lower from March-June, and 8.7 percent lower from July-October than in the same period a year earlier, the Statistical Office noted.


The number of deaths fell more than births, resulting in a natural decrease of 32,626 deaths, 17 percent lower than the 39,078 deaths from January-October 2022.


During this period, 44,372 couples married, 24 percent (13,633) fewer than a year earlier. There were 45 fewer marriages registered during January-February, 31 from March-April, 23 from May-August, and 9.7 percent fewer during September-October than in the same months of 2022.


The figures show nine live births and 13.1 deaths per thousand inhabitants. The live birth rate was 0.2 thousandths of a point lower and the death rate 0.9 thousandths of a point lower than during January-October 2022, resulting in a reduction in the natural decrease. From January-October of this year, there were 3.1 infant deaths per thousand live births, 0.3 thousandths of a point lower than in the same period last year.


The marriage rate was 5.6 thousandths, 1.6 thousandths of a point lower than a year earlier.


The data shows that 86,492 children were born between November 2022 and October 2023, 2,535 fewer than in the previous 12 months, a decrease of 2.8 percent. During this period, 127,995 deaths occurred, 17,086 fewer than in the previous 12 months.


They added that 50,334 couples married, 15,892 fewer than in the previous 12 months, down 24 percent.


To help the nation’s depopulation, policies are needed that encourage people to have children and care for the elderly. Hungary’s family policy is almost unique in the world in that it not only supports families through some 30 measures, but the support system covers the whole life cycle. Hungary’s family-friendly system is based on three pillars: guaranteeing financial security, supporting home ownership, and promoting a quality work-life balance. It is a complex system that families can rely on in all life situations, from welcoming a baby, to setting up a home and helping elderly relatives.

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 2:02 p.m. No.20020502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0560


You know what pisses me off, Mnuchin in Treasury were receiving all these banks, so he would have sent them on to the FBI & DOJ under Session and Barr, and the fucking FBi & DOJ did nothing!


Thats why Barr became the anti Trump hateful slug

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 2:11 p.m. No.20020531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533

The U.S. intel community was not aware of Hamas' attack plan on IsraelWhat a liar Kirby is, does he realize no one in America believes the IC cannot protect us, if this is true?




Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 2:23 p.m. No.20020575   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Governor Kristi Noem- the threat the CCP poses to U.S. National Security. Noem all calm and cool, jumping on the bandwagon while DeSadist and Haley have lost. Maria is a fear parrot. The CDC director has no credibility any longer. The Senate raising alarms, sounds like exactly what happened before!


Everyone take a deep breath because something like this will happen every fall and winter, because they want full control!



Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 2:40 p.m. No.20020649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden is a destroyer of democracy. Wow, FOX allowed their on air personalities defend President Trump!


Are the Murdoch's accepting Americans want President Trump since all their losers lost? Or have the lost so many viewers its a one off?




This might be the pivot the did in 2016, when Megan Kelly failed at sabotaging him. Be assured the Murdoch's will not get mercy or friendship this time around when Trump wins, guaranteed! It was really Roger Ailes that supported Trump in 2015-16.

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 2:57 p.m. No.20020729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0742 >>0748 >>0783 >>0789 >>0897 >>1032

The girl who was supposed to “destroy Trump” just changed her story …

December 2, 2023 (2 days ago)


Remember when everyone, including the folks at the National Review Journal, claimed that the so-called J6 “whistleblower” and former low-level aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, was going to “destroy” President Trump? How can we forget? She was the fake news darling of the media for quite some time and the silver bullet who would supposedly take down MAGA with one brutal revelation after another.


Well, womp, womp.


As is often the case with these hyped-up “whistleblowers,” Cassidy’s star also dimmed before it could reach its full potential. In fact, the regime now faces a significant issue as Cassidy’s story has changed.


Anyone not afflicted with Stage 5 TDS could have quickly seen that this low-level staffer was not going to bring down President Trump. However, the media and the regime held high hopes. Yet, these recent developments once again cast doubt on this young woman’s credibility.


Just the News:


The 15-page-long errata sheet, uncovered recently by Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., includes significant changes to Hutchinson’s account of key events in the Capitol riot drama, including what Secret Service vehicle transported Donald Trump to the Jan. 6, 2021 rally, whether guns were at the Washington D.C. rally that preceded the riot, and what she knew about a meeting where “Hang Mike Pence” chants were allegedly made.


The errata sheet contained a digital signature from Hutchinson approving the changes.


Legal experts said errata sheets for congressional witnesses are common but usually are limited to technical or typographical errors. The experts who reviewed Hutchinson’s errata sheet dated Sept. 12, 2022 said it appears to make material changes to her stories.


“These aren’t ‘corrections.’They constitute entirely new testimonythat should be subjected to cross examination,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Just the News after reviewing the memo. Dershowitz represented Trump at his first impeachment trial where the 45th president was acquitted on charges related to Ukraine and did not have a role in the Jan. 6 impeachment.


Robert Charles, former staff director for the House Oversight national security subcommittee during its 1990s-era investigations into the Clinton White House and the Whitewater scandal, said Hutchison’s errata were unlike any he had ever seen in his career as a lawyer andcould become an issue in future criminal trials in Georgia and Washington D.C., where defendants like Donald Trump and others face Jan. 6-related charges.


“It throws into serious question the credibility of both the witness and the committee and the information she has related to the committee,” Charles said. “And it looks like an attempt to manipulate the written record in a way that wasn’t supported by the original testimony.”


This is commonly referred to as lying in most circles, and it seems Ms. Cassidy is trying to avoid facing consequences for telling whoppers to Congress. However, when all is said and done, she achieved the headlines she wanted, secured a book deal, and, of course, won’t face prosecution for her dishonesty. This is because the entire January 6th investigation is a sham, and this absurd “star witness” is evidence of that.

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 3:08 p.m. No.20020773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0803 >>0897 >>1032

Don’t be surprised if Fox News fires Greg Gutfeld after this…

December 2, 2023 (2 days ago)


Tucker Carlson recently openly discussed how Fox News is basically controlled opposition and heavily influenced by very specific sectors of corporate America, such as Big Pharma. This is how networks control their talent. They know what they can and cannot say based on who is paying the bills.


However, it’s not limited to Fox News; this is essentially how our entire news media functions. This is why a significant portion of what we hear is left-wing propaganda. After all, the woke progressive left is closely aligned with the “establishment,” and their authoritarian agenda revolves around the same goals: money, power, and control. So, it’s really no surprise that Tucker called this out. However, what is surprising to many is that Greg Gutfeld essentially echoed the same sentiment, albeit in a somewhat more gentle manner. Nevertheless, Greg supported Tucker and stated that he was let go due to “special interests,” making it clear that Fox isn’t exactly “fair and balanced”—more like bought and paid for.


Many are now wondering if Gutfeld will be next on the chopping block.


Zeno Calhoun




Two Words Tucker Carlson - yep Gutfeld went there!


Greg definitely went there, but it’s possible he held back just enough to maintain his position at the network. In fact, some might argue that this was Fox News playing the “controlled opposition” card, allowing Greg to support Tucker (and Elon) in order to create the illusion that they’re still championing the good fight.


What are your thoughts? Is Greg genuinely challenging the establishment, or is he taking a safer approach to give Fox News some much-needed street cred?

Anonymous ID: 60aae5 Dec. 3, 2023, 3:37 p.m. No.20020878   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know, SC used to be so patriotic. All the schools they ruined will have to be taken over and revamped. Stupid asshole Obama drove up costs when the put college loans under the gov instead pf banks and guaranteed to repay the colleges even if students default. I don’t think Trump changed that.


Colleges ratcheted up the cost and lowered the experience