Anonymous ID: 8cb6b0 Dec. 3, 2023, 3:20 p.m. No.20020819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine — Another Person Also Targeted in Raids


A Ministry of Health employee-turned-whistleblower and another individual have been targeted by police raids on Sunday. The whistleblower’s actions in exposing a connection between certain Pfizer vaccine batches and a series of deaths have led to a dramatic confrontation with law enforcement.


A whistleblower responsible for managing New Zealand’s COVID-19 vaccination database has come forward with alarming data regarding excess deaths that he claims are connected to specific batches of the Pfizer vaccine.


The individual, known by the pseudonym Winston Smith, expressed concerns over what he describes as “the greatest evil that has been perpetrated on human beings.”


Liz Gunn, the leader of the NZ Loyal Party, a former mainstream media journalist and lawyer, interviewed Smith, who chose to risk his job and personal safety to shed light on the statistical anomalies he encountered in his professional role.


The interview underscores the whistleblower’s desire to be proven wrong, hoping that his analysis is merely an anomaly. Yet, he feels compelled to pursue the truth, regardless of personal risk or repercussions, driven by the apparent severity and implications of the data.


When asked what brought him to speak up and take such a risk, Smith said, “I saw too much that I couldn’t do nothing anymore.”


He continued, “And someone said that bad things happen when good people do nothing. And that was obvious during World War II when Germany went and killed millions of innocent people. We know that they’re not all bad people. Germans are not all bad people. So there were good people. They just followed orders. They were just told what to do and just went along with it.”

Anonymous ID: 8cb6b0 Dec. 3, 2023, 3:25 p.m. No.20020837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0868 >>0897 >>1032

Jeff Bezos Hires Elon Musk For Rocket Launches


Jeff Bezos's space efforts at Amazon and his space company, Blue Origin, have been hit with 'frustrating delays' including a rocket engine explosion during a routine test earlier this year. With mounting delays, Amazon was forced to sign a deal with rival Elon Musk's SpaceX for future rocket launches.


In a press release on Friday, Amazon announced that it had "signed a contract with SpaceX for three Falcon 9 launches to support deployment plans for Project Kuiper, Amazon's low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite broadband network."


Project Kuiper has only a handful of satellites in orbit compared with SpaceX's Starlink, which has over 4,000 satellites in service. Amazon's earlier procurement of 77 heavy-lift rockets was from Arianespace, Blue Origin, and United Launch Alliance. However, Blue Origin's delays forced Amazon to tap SpaceX for more launch capacity.


"Project Kuiper has contracted three Falcon 9 launches, and these missions are targeted to lift off beginning in mid-2025," Amazon said.


This is the first time Bezos has turned to Musk for help in its space endeavors, and a sign that all is not well with Blue Origin.


In August, Cleveland Bakers and Teamsters Pension Fund, or CB&T, sued Amazon's Board of Directors for breach of duty by not considering SpaceX for Project Kuiper launches.


"By completely abdicating its fiduciary duties, the Board has already exposed Amazon to substantial harm and placed the Company's entire Kuiper program at needless risk. And with each passing day, as Amazon's chosen launch partners (Blue Origin in particular) continue to struggle and SpaceX continues to prove itself, this Board-inflicted harm continues to grow," CB&T wrote.


CB&T continued, "Bezos, it must be assumed, could not swallow his pride to seek his bitter rival's help to launch Amazon's satellites."


Bezos has finally done that… Also, maybe the billionaire should not have bought a half-billion dollar yacht that emits 447 times the entire annual carbon footprint of the average US household and spent that money more wisely on progressing rocket engine technology.

Anonymous ID: 8cb6b0 Dec. 3, 2023, 3:28 p.m. No.20020851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0869 >>0879 >>0897 >>1032

Judge Slams SEC For "Materially False" Deception In Crypto Case, Threatens To Sanction Agency


The crypto industry is sure to seize on Shelby’s order to reiterate long-standing complaints that the agency under Chairman Gary Gensler has pursued a vendetta against it.


Back in April 2021, when Joe Biden appointed former Goldman Sachs reject Gary Gensler as head of the SEC, some hoped that the former US commodities chief and MIT professor would usher in a golden age for the US crypto sector and enable the US to pull away from the rest of the world in this all-important sector which will be so very critical when (not if) the dollar loses its reserve currency status. Little did they know, that besides encouraging unprecedented cronyism that enabled such criminals as Sam Bankman-Fried to oversee the biggest financial fraud in Wall Street history, one which was only possible thanks to SBF's generous donations to Democrats (and because of SBF's father years of assistance and donations to Gary Gensler's patron, Elizabeth Warren) which prompted them to ignore the historic crimes committed by SBF's group of "effective altruists", Gensler would be the arguably the worst thing that ever happened to crypto.


And yet, if Gensler's relentless attempts to destroy the US crypto industry were the product of his ideology, however twisted and wrong it may be, they would have been perhaps excusable if not understandable. However, the fact that Gensler has - as the top US securities regulator - been abusing his power in order to facilitate what is clearly a crusade to crush crypto at the behest of a few powerful democrats (who clearly are unable to grasp how much more wealth would be unleashed - and taxed - if the US were to return to its position as the world's most advanced crypto market) is not only inexcusable, it should be ground for immediate termination.


A federal judge rebuked the Securities and Exchange Commission, and its boss Gary Gensler, over its treatment of a crypto firm, expressing concern the agency had made “materially false and misleading representations” in order to freeze millions of dollars in assets belonging to the project, Fortune reported.


The case, filed in Utah federal court, concerns a firm called Digital Licensing Inc., or DEBT Box. In its complaint, filed this summer, the SEC alleged the project had defrauded investors out of nearly $50 million by selling unregistered securities called “node licenses.”


As part of the initial process, the SEC successfully obtained a temporary restraining order and asset seizure through a so-called ex parte application—meaning the crypto firm was not informed of the proceedings and was not able to challenge them in court at the time.


These types of one-sided proceedings are uncommon and typically take place when a government agency fears that notifying the defendant will result in their destroying evidence or whisking assets overseas. Meanwhile, a temporary restraining order requires a party to show a high likelihood of “irreparable harm”—a high bar to clear.


In his Thursday order, District Judge Robert Shelby explained he had agreed to grant the SEC’s request because the agency’s lawyer, Michael Welsh, had said the crypto company was actively closing bank accounts—including 33 in the last 48 hours—as part of a bid to move the firm to Abu Dhabi and beyond the reach of U.S. regulators.