Anonymous ID: b14727 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:01 p.m. No.20021565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1573 >>1578 >>1590 >>1597 >>1607

Newfag here. I will be honest too, no college education, not a Christian either. Have zero understanding of what is going on.

Just a Dumb ass Working person. Worse still I work in America and my job doesn’t sell a product it just serves people.

Also, not a Vet.


My confusion is the economy.

Supposedly inflation is high. Okay I see they in the news. But, Spending is at an all time high! I saw a large 4 bed 3 bath house built in a month!

So I know Rich people are still spending and expanding.

I can see that labor prices are high as well so I know skilled workers are getting more.


My question is, how can Trump convince people to spread the wealth if people who have money and are getting more money for less work, influencers, skill laborers, foreign computer companies, how are they going to be convinced?


I’m just saying people want to live a good life. Once they get that life they will never give it up.


I just don’t see America changing.

Anonymous ID: b14727 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:46 p.m. No.20021744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1777


The itsy bitsy spider is your chrism or cerebral spinal fluid that germinates in the solar plexus or your bread basket or manger and is crucified in the Fornax or Fornix constellation on Dec 21 every year and creates new blood and when the blood is shed it mixes with milk and honey from the Pituitary and Pineal gland along with galactose or Milky Way in the Galaxy.


But you may think it’s a story about a Jewish carpenter and you need to pay 10%.


Welcome to the internet