Anonymous ID: e21928 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:35 p.m. No.20021702   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Anyone else thinking this is related to the war on…


War on ]us[. It started a long time ago. My wake-up call was the Sandy Hook drone video showing the actors and actresses entering and leaving a building [they] depicted as a first responder staging facility. It sure was a staging area.


Fast forward to Covid. Imagine all the power and sway they had over entire countries, governments, and worldwide media outlets. The media was their greatest tool in that operation. Had Trump forced something, the media would have responded with the people not yet ready to taste/consume the truth.


Most people in the world already know the truth. And now that the majority of Americans know or are ready to taste truth, it's coming time to spring the trap.