it was that long ago?
>just go make your own board so you can talk about what you want there.
Just curious on anons thoughts on a debate I had. Removing any religious obligations or thoughts. What do anons think about teaching your kids about Santa Clause. Is it moral to teach your kids about a societal lie. Is it harmful and create a sense of mistrust or is that healthy? Genuinely curious. Should kids be allowed santa or is it over all detrimental to them?
I feel aroused ban this please ban it for the love of jahovah ban it, I am going to crank my nut uhhhh uhhh cranking it cranking my nut hard
If you were in school you would also understand your progress and what you can do better, karama is a problem because you only learn after the fact and then forget the next go around and so you are always having to balance the scales for things you will never remember or know. Free will gets tossed in there also, because now its all random. The assumption what god is or who it is, next problem. The prision idea was popular with the gnostics for that very reason because the god of creation is not the god of the old testament. SO yes their god is insane. They will not accept it though because they are stuck on the verbiage of god.
the automatically filtered for harassment is a nice touch.
few anons lots of narratives and frustration growing as the new year starts for the final push. Trump Trials, Election scams and fraud still on the menu, Joe Biden Being impeached, how can he run who will they put in his place last minute. Then there is this place still holding the doors open. The thing is the Q movement escaped so the question is why this place still is needed? Old school anons are usually doing their own things trying to teach others with their youtubes trying to get money or somthing. But still the shills come, and narratives are spun who is who and what side is what, fog of war central.
that was a compliment fuck stick
can the same happen for those that claim god I really would like to know which one they are talking about. It would be nice to help know who is more right. Because you are correct the conflation of words is how people get to claim things. The problem also comes with the groups themselves using the conflating language, is it a culture, is it blood, is it a belief.
why not