Pushing a new thread over and over. I wonder what is trying to be controlled, yet again. Control of what is digged, control of what is posted, control of this board. It's blatantly obvious. Trying to split breads. What are the chances all those "notables" have a (You) beside them?
I mean by the OP of the bread. I'm not being hostile, I'm going by bread history. Creating another bread to make notables to include into General notables, who has a history of that? Who has a history of not doing anything new, but just substituting one topic/subject/target for another while doing the exact same thing? That's where I'm coming from.
And the word break downs of the Ghoul is his trail of exposure clues that he's left over the past couple months or so.
Get in the filter, Dirk the Dickless Retard.
You don't understand? How about a proven track record of lies, Harpy. Who called Arizona at 1% reporting in?
Oh look, impotent rage and whining.
They're scared.
When everything is failing for them they can always double down on stupid. Poor bastards.
>Recall when Q posted something about a wave that traveled around the Earth.
11/11/18, the day the "bell" was rung.
That's not what Q called it, but the description of what happened.
It's just a variation of the Red Text Girlfriend and Toots spammers, most likely originating from the same retard. An NPC persona. Whether bot or retard at the keyboard doesn't matter.
Did you think hiding behind Q posts would work?
Not a drop, but from a dig. 11/11/18 there was a weird seimic wave that made the Earth "ring like a bell." Something about a missing wave that precedes a seismic event that was missing that day.
Is Faux going to push the coming Plandemic or will they be the controlled opposition? Just have to wait and see.
Ah, some were removed. No worries. Time for a refresh then.
A black heart covered in white to fool the audience. She's "amazing."
If they can't distract with their ethnic circle-jerk, then they'll just create another one to replace it. Same old shit, different pile.
The criminals with something to hide combine those two terms as a form of defense.
No. "It's the Jews," implying that the cabal is completely Jewish is retarded. Having them as the sole subject of what you post about is the tell. People can be Jewish and not be part of the cabal and do not deserve to be genocided for the simple fact of being born. Fuck off, namefag. You smell like a combination of ~~Afterthought~~ and VaticanTard.
>Jews stick together like glue
So do Democrats, and minions of the cabal that are paid to post in their defense on Anonymous image boards. Your argument is invalid by the absolute you built with house of cards logic.
Obsess over an entire ethnicity some moar, namefag. I don't care which Absolute Retard you are, but you are one. Filtered for your endless circular logic.
Precisely. That's why "It's the Jews" fails. Because it's not every Jew in some conspiracy to overthrow the world so they can control everything. They're the scapegoat, the stool pigeon, for everyone to rally their torches and pitchforks against while the cabal does their evil shit with scrutiny off them. If only they had moar time to indoctrinate in the West before Russia and Israel played their parts in taking out the cabal in their areas of the world, then perhaps they would have had enough support in the West for the "It's the Jews" narrative to be successful. Operation Warp Speed I'm convinced was not just for the vaccines, but for the entire cabal agenda. Squeezing 8 years of what was supposed to happen under Hilary to 4 under Biden. That's why nothing seems organic from them, in my opinion.