He has tried to help them all or been solicited by them all.
After the hubub last week about the prank caller ( stuttering john) to AF-1 and some odd exchanges picrelated I decided to listen over the weekend to the calls ((allegedly)) made by Potus as his own PR guy/John Miller.
Very interdasting.
The caller speaks about Madonna trying to cozy up to him with a photo op at a party. This is long ago and when he was divorcing or ready to divorce Ivana. There was a part where it was said he had looked at a ring for MM but the caller accidentally said Ivanas name. Anyhow it was at Tiffany’s and then he said the name like 5 times. I was thinking it strange to hear Tiffany over and over again and then his daughter with MM is named Tiffany.
Was watching a documentary today on JFK Jr and it mentioned that he dated Madonna. Also a Kristina ((Hogg)) and a Sally ((Monroe)).
Then Madonna also was dating MJ, with Rodman, with Penn.
These old pieces of news become new again.