Anonymous ID: 1c635c Dec. 4, 2023, 4:40 p.m. No.20026132   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6145



Hide your kids from these Child Predators


Hi, I'm Shelby


And thatโ€™s me with my niece and nephew. My dream is to help them and other kids like them grow up with an awareness of social justice and acceptance of all people.


Iโ€™m a Ph.D. Candidate in Urban Education at UCLA, and Iโ€™m passionate about education and social justice. Iโ€™ve spent more than a decade working with kids and families to facilitate fun learning experiences.


For each kit, we consult with folx who are directly impacted by that social justice issue to select the best resources for you.


We try to source products from socially conscious, small businesses owned by women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ folx. And we donate a portion of the money from each box sold to a non-profit working on that issue.


Please feel free to email me at with any questions, concerns, or ideas for working together.


I hope you will join our community of Little Justice Leaders!