Anonymous ID: 7489d3 Dec. 4, 2023, 3:01 p.m. No.20025689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5691 >>5697 >>5856 >>6235

>>20025569 pb

>>20025288 pb


Don Jr: You are 100% correct but you have to stop saying vote because these people are not being voted in, they are being "stolen" in, as with what happened to your father. If you remember, I was the one who said "The Irish have to know their place in finance" right after 911 and warned over 2 decades ago that there is a plan to genocide the, WCC, white conservative Christians. I have saved more lives than any other human being in the history of this planet due to my foresight and actions regarding hospital murderers, NWO cops, toxic vaccines, and illegitimate war by standing by the truth for the sake of our service members. Billions of lives saved.


There is a way we can make sure all these clowns are not only removed from every government office and agency, whether Federal, State, or county wide, but never make it there to being with. There are still millions of lives to save on our side by not only controlling the offices but finally address a long over due nefarious tactic of chemical sabotage that none of you have even woken up to. Don't you think it is time to employ my services? Waiting cost lives. Our lives not theirs.

Anonymous ID: 7489d3 Dec. 4, 2023, 3:02 p.m. No.20025691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5856



Let me reiterate that all know the truth. My voting application is technically a real time dynamic ballot that can be generated on the fly. The ballot can have a single office to vote on or multiple office to vote on. When a vote is submitted the only thing that is returned is a 512 long array of characters which is a cryptographic hash for you to save elsewhere on a device (computer, cell, thumb drive). When you paste that hash back into the app, it returns you ballot with all the original information. A counter application would run every hour and tally the up to 325 million votes every hour. This allows the application to run not only as an election system but a recall system. So an incumbent that goes against the will of the majority of people could be out of a job within an hours time. Think about it. Think about this long and hard, then think about all this chaos, and the lives that are being shortened by lack of consideration to this matter; not only here but every country around the world.