Anonymous ID: fe8579 Dec. 4, 2023, 3:07 p.m. No.20025701   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5710 >>5720 >>5737 >>6110


New Zealand Data Concerning Deaths Associated With Vaccine





Winston Smith (alias), a statistician and data administrator for the Ministry of Health in New Zealand, has come forward with a wealth of government data that he believes shows the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine. Winston was involved in the implementation of a vaccine payment system for providers, which allowed him access to detailed data on vaccine administration and related deaths.


Winston's position as the sole data administrator for the system makes his data unique and highly important. In a small country like New Zealand, only one data administrator is needed, and Winston has been able to closely analyze and monitor the data. He has witnessed a concerning pattern in the data that he believes shows a correlation between vaccine administration and deaths.


One compelling piece of evidence Winston presents is the consistent rise in daily deaths above 120 after the vaccine rollout began in New Zealand. Typically, deaths in New Zealand do not exceed this number, except during specific events like the flu season or natural disasters. However, since the vaccine rollout, daily deaths consistently surpass the 120 mark, with no gaps in between.


Photo 1: [ "Daily deaths above 120 from Jan 2020 to Sept 2023"]


To further support his claims, Winston analyzed mortality rates in different vaccination centers across the country. He found that mortality rates varied significantly between sites, with top 10 centers with the highest mortality rates ranging from 22% to 32%, well above the national average of 0.75%. Interestingly 10 out of 20 of those centres were located in Christchurch. This observation raised graves concern about the safety of the vaccine.


Photo 2: [ Top 10 sites with highest mortality rate]


Winston also discovered significant variations in mortality rates between different vaccine batches. Analyzing 119 batches, mostly consisting of Pfizer vaccines, he found the top 10 worst batches with mortality percentages ranging from 4.52% to 21.38%. These variations were statistically significant and highly unlikely to occur naturally by chance. The data strongly suggested a causality between the vaccine and the reported deaths.


Photo 3: [10 batches with the highest mortality rates]


Additionally, Winston examined the variation in mortality rates among different vaccinators. He identified the top 10 vaccinators with the highest mortality rates, highlighting the inconsistency in vaccine administrations and potential flaws in the vaccination process.


Photo 4 : [Top 10 vaccinators with highest mortality]


Finally, Winston uncovered clusters of deaths that occurred among groups of individuals who had received the vaccine in the same location and around the same time. The presence of these clusters statistically indicated a problem with the vaccine, as the likelihood of them occurring by chance was extremely low.


In summary, Winston's analysis of government data reveals a concerning correlation between COVID-19 vaccine administration and increased mortality rates in New Zealand. The consistent rise in daily deaths above 120, variations in mortality rates among vaccination centers and batches, and clusters of deaths all point to the potential dangers of the vaccine. Winston's unique position as the data administrator for the vaccine payment system allows him access to irrefutable data that supports his claims. His decision to come forward now is based on the availability of complete and conclusive data, which he believes demands immediate attention as he is convinced that the vaccine is killing the New Zealanders. Heโ€™s also hoping that others that are in similar positions around the world would come forward to reveal the danger of the vaccine.


Full VDO ( 1hour) ๐Ÿ‘‡

Anonymous ID: fe8579 Dec. 4, 2023, 3:10 p.m. No.20025710   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5720 >>5737 >>5817 >>6110



New Zealand Whistleblower

Exposes COVID Database on How Many People Died from Pfizer Vax