Anonymous ID: 20f95d Dec. 4, 2023, 7:45 p.m. No.20026948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7056


Nero was said to be insane but

it was so long ago and History is written by the winners so . . .

what is clear is that he was deposed and killed himself.

and even that's not clear.

strange fact about Nero, that you hear from those who study him, there were many people who felt as if he'd faked his death and there were many after he was gone who were thought to be him. He was also expected to 'come back', because he was supposedly a gawd.

He was very well loved but also very dispised. It just depened who you were and how much you knew about him.

History says he was crazy but History also says 'well, we really know so little, maybe that's not true'


Nero and Sean Penn don't look anything alike.