Anonymous ID: 400e0f Dec. 4, 2023, 7:22 p.m. No.20026877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6885 >>6888 >>6892

part one


In just one particular vaccination centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead. Out of the 837 people who were vaccinated at another vaccination centre, 253 of them are now dead. 30% of everyone who was vaccinated at that centre are now dead. At another vaccination centre, of the 923 people vaccinated there, 276 are now dead. There were numerous vaccination centres around the country that had mortality rates at this sort of level of 30%. This is compared to the normal average mortality rate of just 0.75%, which is what we should be seeing. The data also shows how many fatalities were linked to each individual vaccinator. One vaccinator had a mortality rate of 25%. One in four people that got the vaccine from that vaccinator is now dead. Other vaccinators were similar. Their vaccine batches were literally death batches. These numbers are simply off the scale and impossible to interpret any other way than a vaccine massacre.



Just as the World Health Organization tries to end governments' ability to protect people


The World Council for Health has been informed of the courageous revelations of a New Zealand individual who has been the main analyst for New Zealand government data on their vaccine rollout programme.


This data and the interview with the whistleblower has been revealed today on the website of the New Zealand Loyal party, headed up by lawyer and journalist Liz Gunn. It reminds us at the WCH why we have engaged to bring health information with integrity to the people of the world.


*Viewers be warned, this is very difficult material to watch.**

As the whistleblower emphasises, this is a very small country and when you have in a town of 54,000 people like Invercargill one vaccinator who is responsible for continuing to vaccinate men and women when 30% of the vaccinees have passed away, it is shocking and damning, and that person is responsible in all terms of the Nuremberg Laws.


In just one particular vaccination centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead. Out of the 837 people who were vaccinated at another vaccination centre, 253 of them are now dead. 30% of everyone who was vaccinated at that centre are now dead. At another vaccination centre, of the 923 people vaccinated there, 276 are now dead. There were numerous vaccination centres around the country that had mortality rates at this sort of level of 30%. This is compared to the normal average mortality rate of just 0.75%, which is what we should be seeing. The data also shows how many fatalities were linked to each individual vaccinator. One vaccinator had a mortality rate of 25%. One in four people that got the vaccine from that vaccinator is now dead. Other vaccinators were similar. Their vaccine batches were literally death batches. These numbers are simply off the scale and impossible to interpret any other way than a vaccine massacre.


Important additional information from NZL LOYAL which proves without a shadow of a doubt that the DEATHVAX™ is a slow kill bioweapon deliberately released by democidal eugenicists in order to depopulate humanity for their Great Reset 2030 Agenda:

Anonymous ID: 400e0f Dec. 4, 2023, 7:24 p.m. No.20026885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6892


Much more at the links listed and video on rumble!


30% death rate after covid jabs in clusters/towns…etc. New Zealand Whistle Blower

In just one particular vaccination centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead. Out of the 837 people who were vaccinated at another vaccination centre, 253 of them are now dead. 30% of everyone who was vaccinated at that centre are now dead. At another vaccination centre, of the 923 people vaccinated there, 276 are now dead. There were numerous vaccination centres around the country that had mortality rates at this sort of level of 30%. This is compared to the normal average mortality rate of just 0.75%, which is what we should be seeing. The data also shows how many fatalities were linked to each individual vaccinator. One vaccinator had a mortality rate of 25%. One in four people that got the vaccine from that vaccinator is now dead. Other vaccinators were similar. Their vaccine batches were literally death batches. These numbers are simply off the scale and impossible to interpret any other way than a vaccine massacre.