Anonymous ID: 6bf7a9 Dec. 4, 2023, 6:05 p.m. No.20026560   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6921 >>7164 >>7192


Ukraine AF UKN1301 319 on the “sidewalk” inbound to CONUS from Shannon depart and prior Brussels stop/departure-it started at Rzsesow Airport, Poland earlier today


SAM477 G5 NE from JBA/st about 540 kits but he’s not the only one in a semi-hurry


RCH158 C17 Globemaster departed Dover AFB NE no doubt with moar “toys for both little bois” and it’s normal comfy cruising speed is around 400-450kts but this around 585 (and steady)nao

Anonymous ID: 6bf7a9 Dec. 4, 2023, 6:28 p.m. No.20026675   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7164 >>7192

Not a usual source howeverit is rare seeing. articles written just on Agand if you aren’t protecting your wealth outside of the FIAT system then Good Luck!

It’s NOT an investment so spare me “muh price is too volatile”-at some point you won’t be getting access to your bank accounts so wut ya gonna do? Cuz it’ll be too late to buy anything in this area-current official #s show PM public ownership is 1-2% but know it’s higher after earlier this year


Silver Looks Like a Real Bargain Right Now


At the current price, silver is a real bargain.

Gold went on a run late last week, setting an all-time record high last Friday and breaking the $2,100 level for a brief time in overseas trading Sunday night. Silver also rallied but continues to lag behind gold. In fact, silver looks significantly underpriced based on both its historical relationship with gold and the supply/demand dynamics. The silver-gold ratio is currently over 81-1. That means it takes more than 81 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold. To put the current ratio into perspective, in the modern era, the silver-gold ratio has averaged between 40:1 and 60:1. Historically, the ratio has always returned to that mean. And when it does, it does it with a vengeance. The ratio fell to 30-1 in 2011 and below 20-1 in 1979. When the spread gets this wide, silver doesn’t just outperform gold, it goes on a massive run in a short time. Since January 2000, this has happened four times. As this chart shows, the snapback is swift and strong. Here’s some historical perspective.

Geologists estimate that there are approximately 19 ounces of silver for every ounce of gold in the earth’s crust, with a ratio of approximately 11.2 ounces of silver to each ounce of gold that has ever been mined. Interestingly, the silver-gold ratio in ancient Egypt was 1:1.


In 1792, the gold/silver price ratio was fixed by law in the United States at 15:1. France mandated a ratio of 15.5:1 in 1803. Faced with the challenges of a bi-metallic monetary system with fixed exchange rates and the aftermath of a worldwide financial crisis, the US Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1873. Following the lead of other Western nations, including England, Portugal, Canada, and Germany, this act formally demonetized silver and established a gold standard for the United States. With silver playing a smaller role as a monetary metal, the silver-gold ratio gradually spread. Since the world went to a total fiat money system, there seems to be some correlation between the silver-gold ratio and central bank money creation. During periods of central bank money-printing, the gap tends to shrink. For instance, it plummeted in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis as the Fed engaged in extreme monetary policy.


Anonymous ID: 6bf7a9 Dec. 4, 2023, 7:54 p.m. No.20026974   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6988

Really would love to stay and watch the trio of you continue to be humiliated on several topics but alas moar important things to do

Do continue for the benefit of those that stay

I’m sure they will continue to enjoy the entertainment aspect of the software faggit and the “captain”

Muh sides!