Anonymous ID: 8351ec Dec. 4, 2023, 5:49 p.m. No.20026475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6478


>We ought to legally and with due process destroy all the voting machines. your machine is just part of the problem. Paper ballots only, single day count.



I already wrote this:


In NYS where I voted, they ask for your ID, then sent you to a special table to get a ballot and told me to go to a certain machine. After I voted I waited one whole minute to see what the machine did while being pressured by a poll watcher telling me to leave. My ballot came back out and the machine said error. Also they covered up windows in PA when counting ballots as another way that they cheat. Think.


Reread the last word. There are Billions of financial transactions online everyday that are secure, voting can be secure too and even more secure than banking transactions, fact.