Anonymous ID: 791fb8 Dec. 4, 2023, 9:30 p.m. No.20027292   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They were teaching them to fight Taliban-types, not a Standing Army

The US has gotten very good and being massively ready for the Last War, but woefully unprepared for the Current

Anonymous ID: 791fb8 Dec. 5, 2023, 2:19 a.m. No.20027709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8000 >>8066 >>8072


Transgender Awareness Month is a sad time for actual women

Trans athletes keep smashing women’s competitions, but you can’t call it out for what it is

Robert Bridge 25 Nov 2023


November is set aside for transgender people to raise awareness about the discrimination and violence that the community faces. But have we forgotten the discrimination and dangers that biological females suffer too?


In August, Canadian powerlifter Anne Andres set a record with a final combined score of 597.5kg (about 1,317lb) for her bench press, deadlift, and squat performances. Andres’ total was more than 400lb higher than her closest competitor. Most people would find that unbelievable if not for one critical detail that so many are happy to ignore – Andres was born into a man’s body.


One person who did not ignore Andres’ sex status was April Hutchinson, an Ontario-based female powerlifter who took to X (formerly Twitter) to rally the weightlifting community to action.


“Any woman, man or federation that supports men lifting or competing with women is part of the problem,” Hutchinson said. “They should be ashamed. They are literally helping to erase women’s sports.”


Hutchinson took her wake-up tour to the Piers Morgan Uncensored show, where she slammed the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s (CPU) lack of action, calling it “disheartening and disgusting.”


It’s probably easy to guess how that criticism went down with the Liberal crowd. On November 7, Hutchinson was suspended from competing for two years by the CPU, due to multiple violations of the Code of Conduct and the Social Media Policy.


Before the decision was announced, however, Andres had also taken to social media in a teary-eyed tirade, comparing her pain and suffering to that of an African American being called “the n-word.”


“Let me just ask one simple and open question to those who are deciding to leave me to my own fate through their inaction,” Andres said. "If this other lifter was, say, going after an African American individual and calling them the n-word, which is essentially equivalent to calling a trans woman a man and referring to them as him.”


Martina Navratilova, the 18-time Grand Slam (biological) female tennis champion, weighed in on the conversation with much-needed common sense and sobriety.


“To put the argument at its most basic: a man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organization is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires,” Navratilova said.


“It’s insane and it’s cheating. I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair,” she added.


Yet, as unfair and ‘unsportsmanlike’ as it may have been for Andres to smash female weightlifting records, at least the biologically female competition was not being pummeled on the field of dreams, like some rugby players.


Yes, you heard that right. Rugby, one of the most aggressive contact sports in the world, is now allowing transgender females (biological males) to play against the females. For those who fail to appreciate why this is a terrible idea, there are two quick ways to wrap your brain around it. First, if God had wanted men and women to compete against each other on the field of broken bones, concussions, and sometimes even death, then we would see just as many women wanting to participate in male sports as we see men wanting to participate in female sports. But that is simply not the case. In fact, it is exactly the opposite.



Anonymous ID: 791fb8 Dec. 5, 2023, 2:57 a.m. No.20027813   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Gas lighting was a significant invention that improved interior spaces that had been dimly lit by candles or oil lamps. Gas provided a brighter light, and it was adjustable. Invented in the 1790s in England, gas lighting emerged in the United States in 1816. Baltimore, Maryland was the first U.S. city to install gas street lamps. According to Denys Peter Myers in Gaslighting in America: A Guide for Historic Preservation (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1978), President James K. Polk’s conversion of the candle-lit chandeliers in the White House’s East Room to gas in 1848 furthered gas lighting’s popularity. The following year, the first company in Hartford received a charter from the Connecticut General Assembly to start a gas enterprise.


Experiments were conducted to determine which type of gas would create the brightest illumination. Coal gas, or illuminating gas, as it was known, was created through the distillation of bituminous coal, which produced a mixture of methane, ethylene, and hydrogen. According to the National Gas Museum in Leicester, England (, the distillation process started with placing coal in a closed tube and heating it. This released gasses including hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Additional processes removed impurities; however, a March 20, 1869 report in Scientific American noted that even after the purification process, “enough [compounds]still remain to render the gas offensive and deleterious to health, and to greatly impair its illuminating power.”


Full Article:

Anonymous ID: 791fb8 Dec. 5, 2023, 4:27 a.m. No.20028175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8186


>Where the fuck were people coming home from?

I seem to remember it was about the football team. They were done with the Away games on their schedule so they were back "home" for any others

Anonymous ID: 791fb8 Dec. 5, 2023, 4:55 a.m. No.20028264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8276


Utter bullshit

Maga Fucktardation has NOT been here since day one


MAGA Patriots/MAGA Riots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Patriots 100% Cowboy/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key/MAGA Patriots Matrix Algebra/MAGA Patriots USA COMMAND CENTER/MAGA Cyber Warfare/MAGA AI Algorithms/ MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans/ MAGA AI Code Writers/MAGA Command Center/MAGA Cyber Technology/MAGA Patriots High Value Extraction/MAGA Super AI/MAGA Patriot Mercenary/MAGA AI mother code/MAGA WARZONE/MAGA Patriots Private Contractors/MAGA Skunkworks/MAGA First Responder Angels


Maga Patriots, the Patriot Front of 8Kun

Anonymous ID: 791fb8 Dec. 5, 2023, 5:11 a.m. No.20028321   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon lastt night said he heard a sound he thought was M-79. When I was looking at the vid I thought I saw in the beginning seconds something go up into the house from the LEO car line, then BOOM