wait a god damn fucking minute they are denying service members claims but giving away money to fucking invading armies. FUCK THAT SHIT. What everlover mother fuck. I hate the MIC but fuck those men gave up everything for this fucking shit hole for the deep state, fuck who am I kidding the deep state don't give a fuck about vets, it is just a hassle they have to have the public perception of having to give a fuck. Wow. god dam.
True but it is a damn shit shame that people have to go through this. Elderly too and those on disability, and then you get told oh no illegals are not getting treated better oh fuck yes they are. Housing, cars, dental. Most jobs don't even give you that. It is a buy in for the corrupt faggot run insurance companies. At what point is the tipping point where people just revolt because denying claims at the fucking VA they will cut your dick off for muh message but basic dignity for soldiers fuck, but fucking blow pablo nad chang over there with what ever they fucking need. GET BENT not you anon of course venting fuck
I already said fuck the MIC most soldiers I would assume they do not join up to do that shit, but because of how the conditioning is to some degree they do not understand, you can not agree with that but you should at the very least say not fuck them over the illegal scum taking away resources that could be easily given to those in need and not to mention all the gibs to other countries.
fuck off, muh it is not as bad as muh jesus bullshit. Oh he suffered meh. Cry.
there are tons of people serving false light and false gods even those in the churches. The lie is so bright it blinds all.
its GTA, getting Hot Coffee has been a thing for years don't feign shock.
no that is stupid parents buying an adult game for their kids. That is the parents fault not the games. Fuck off Tipper.
it never was now quit being a stupid fuck.
My point is you are a fag.