Anonymous ID: 50724e Dec. 5, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.20029906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9917 >>9946 >>0024

Israel Readying Risky Plan To Flood Miles Of Gaza's 'Terror Tunnels' With Sea Water


Israel's military has reportedly put in place controversial and high risk plans to flood Gaza's vast network of underground tunnels used by Hamas with sea water. High powered pumps have already been set up at key locations in the Gaza Strip.


The plan is to force Hamas militants above ground or else drown them, utilizing a series of pumps to pull water from the Mediterranean Sea, which are expected to provide enough water to fully flood the tunnels within weeks. According to details in The Wall Street Journal, US defense officials have been briefed on the 'option' - and with pumps now in place - but it's not believed that the Israelis have pulled the trigger on it yet.


"The Israel Defense Forces finished assembling large seawater pumps roughly one mile north of the Al-Shati refugee camp around the middle of last month," the report indicates. "Each of at least five pumps can draw water from the Mediterranean Sea and move thousands of cubic meters of water per hour into the tunnels, flooding them within weeks."


Some US officials were cited as expressing "concern" about the plan, also given the potential to kill more civilians and further destroy the Strip's infrastructure. A prime issue is that some 137 Israeli and foreign hostages remain in Hamas captivity after the end of last week's ceasefire and prisoner swap deal.


Very likely all or many of them are being kept somewhere within the tunnel system and its cavernous rooms. Hamas even has subterranean offices and command centers within. Israel has thus far identified at least 800 tunnels, but believes the network is still much bigger than what's known.


"We are not sure how successful pumping will be since nobody knows the details of the tunnels and the ground around them," one unnamed security source told the WSJ. "It’s impossible to know if that will be effective because we don’t know how seawater will drain in tunnels no one has been in before."

Anonymous ID: 50724e Dec. 5, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.20029954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9972

Israel's Ground Operation Is Raging For 1st Time In A Southern Gazan City


For the first time since the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a ground attack on Gaza, dozens of tanks and infantry are now fighting in the heart of a major city in the southern half of the Strip.


Until now, the IDF was focusing its operations in the north but following last week's temporary truce it has clearly expanded the combat focus also to the main southern city of Khan Younis - where the IDF believes Hamas' top commanders are hiding.

Anonymous ID: 50724e Dec. 5, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.20029965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Able-bodied male Ukrainians in EU need to go back & fight – German MP


The “crux of the issue” for Ukraine is that hundreds of thousands of its citizens are avoiding military service, Roderich Kiesewetter has said

Anonymous ID: 50724e Dec. 5, 2023, 10:26 a.m. No.20029989   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Anonymous ID: 50724e Dec. 5, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.20030016   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Sextortion’: DeSantis’s ‘Bestie’ Killed Himself After Luring Teen Girl Into Sex Acts Using Taylor Swift Tickets.


Nearly one year ago, Florida Republican mega-donor Kent Stermon committed suicide after the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office opened an investigation into allegations he pressured a teen girl into committing sexual favors in exchange for Taylor Swift concert tickets. A major player within the Florida Republican Party, Stermon was a close friend and ally to Governor Ron DeSantis, as well as former Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry and Sheriff Mike Williams.

‘No Gov. DeSantis Without Stermon’.

When a 2015 federal lawsuit resulted in a new Florida congressional map drawing then-Congressman DeSantis’s home outside the Florida 6th Congressional District he had previously represented, Stermon came to his aid. The donor and executive at Total Military Management rented his Flagler County condo to DeSantis, ensuring he’d be able to run for re-election in Florida’s 6th Congressional District. And when DeSantis launched his bid for Florida Governor, Stermon was one of the few initial political movers to back his campaign. According to Florida politics reporter A.G. Gancarski, “You wouldn’t have Ron DeSantis as governor without Kent Stermon.” When DeSantis won what was initially a long-shot bid for the Florida governorship, Stermon was rewarded for his loyalty and support with DeSantis appointments to the Board of Governors for Florida’s State University System and the Florida Highway Patrol Advisory Council. He was also named chair of the Governor’s Public Safety Transition Advisory Committee. “It’s good to be the governor’s bestie,” Stermon is said to have boasted.

Taylor Swift Tickets.

While Stermon was expanding his political influence – including being given his own access card to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office headquarters – he also launched a scheme to seduce a teen girl. According to a report published in September 2023 by State Attorney Melissa Nelson, Stermon told the teenager he could procure VIP tickets to an April 2023 Taylor Swift concert in Tampa, as well as securing backstage passes. The offer, in reality, appeared to be a ploy to coerce sexual favors. The teen, whose identity include age has been withheld by authorities, was instructed by Stermon to purchase the tickets with a promise he would reimburse her. The State Attorney report also indicates Stermon escalated his plan, telling the girl he “…could facilitate backstage access and a meet-and-greet for the victim to meet Taylor Swift. In order to obtain backstage access, Stermon explained that she would need to communicate directly with the ‘backstage coordinators.'” Unbeknownst to the victim, the email she was given to contact the ‘backstage coordinators’ was actually a dummy email being used by Stermon. Using the dummy account, Stermon “deceptively coerced” the teen into sending him provocative photos – including an image of her bare-breasts. Shortly before the Swift concert in Tampa, the victim was instructed by Stermon to meet him at his office to receive her reimbursement for the concert tickets. When the teenager arrived, Stermon gave her $1,500 to cover the cost of the tickets and then proceeded to offer her $10,000 in exchange for a “lap dance” and $5,000 for “Facetime sex.” Though the victim rejected Stermon’s cash offers for sexual favors, she said she was pressured to remove her top and expose her breasts to him for 30 seconds – which he made her time using his phone. After being coerced to expose herself and give Stermon a hug, she was allowed to leave the office – stating in the report: “I just wanted to get out of there. I was very frightened because he’s a bigger guy, and I am a small woman. I was unsure of what might happen.” When the victim’s father became aware of Stermon’s sexual advances on his daughter, he confronted the political king-maker after arranging a meeting at an Atlantic Beach diner.

Anonymous ID: 50724e Dec. 5, 2023, 10:32 a.m. No.20030030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden HHS Wants to ‘Stop Vetting’ Migrant Kids’ Foster Parents


Why is the Biden Regime cutting red tape for child traffickers and giving vulnerable kids to drug addled child abusers?


The Biden Health and Human Services Department wants to “stop vetting” the people it hands unaccompanied illegal migrant children over to after they’re detained at the US southern border, processed through holding facilities, and released to foster parents and “sponsors” located all over the United States. What’s more, is that a group of US Senators is saying Biden’s Office of Refugee Resettlement is already handing vulnerable children over to drug-using sponsors with criminal records and histories of child abuse.

The Biden Regime’s HHS is moving to cut red tape for child traffickers and make it easier for real-life monsters to obtain legal custody of vulnerable children who are being placed with “sponsors” throughout the United States after illegally crossing the southern border without their parents.


To do so, the HHS is looking at changing its own rules to “stop vetting” the people it places the unaccompanied children with.


In response to the Biden HHS attempt to cut away red tape for child traffickers, 39 GOP Senators, led by Iowa’s Chuck Grassley, signed onto a letter calling the proposed rule change “alarming, dangerous, and potentially illegal.”


The letter, addressed to Biden’s Acting Assistant Secretary for the Administration for Children and Families, Jeff Hild, and Director of the Office for Refugee Resettlement (ORR), Robin Dunn Marcos, demanded that the rule change sought by Biden’s bureaucrats be abandoned. If it’s not, the Senators say that they’ll shut it down by forcing a full Congressional vote on the matter.


The letter also blew the whistle on already-existing ORR practices that result in kids being handed off to drug abusers, child abusers, and people with other forms of criminal records because the ORR refuses to check into their backgrounds.


HHS and ORR, the letter states, have already been found by Congress and the Office of the Inspector General to be engaging in “chronic foot-dragging—if not total reluctance—when it comes to protecting vulnerable children” while “provide[ing] ample protections to government bureaucrats at the expense of children.”


“ORR does not even consider a sponsor’s criminal record, current illegal drug use, history of abuse or neglect, or other child welfare concerns ‘necessarily disqualifying to potential sponsorship’,” the letter goes on to reveal, adding the ORR accepts prospective sponsors claims of a clean background “almost entirely on face value.”


The efforts from the Biden HHS to cut red tape for child traffickers and other abusers looking to gain access to vulnerable migrant children is one of the numerous issues plaguing the southern border that’s come to the forefront in recent weeks and months, thanks in large part to enterprising journalists who have traveled to the Southwest to do the reporting that corporate media won’t.