I fucking knew it.
how could he be deceived if he was q?
neck yourself faggot. die like the cowardly faggot you are.
they talk about a lot of shit in fringe. The duel universe stuff I think is more on target than anything.
yeah no fuck that. This guy keeps failing
spam bullshit
just god it self is fake.
promises promises, you and your faggot lord can fuck off
I researched the bible and found out all you morons are illiterate and actually follow a blood demon who likes war and killing children. God may be real but you do not follow him demon .
Don't Blashpheme. kek
me too isn't it great to be able to say people who follow the bible are stupid fucking morons and their god is a lie and they are all fucking retards for believing what the deep state gives them.
Smarter than you christ cuck.
Hate the Jews and the Muslims also now what fuck head.
we can not comment on ongoing investigations. That is all they have to say and all questioning stops.