Anonymous ID: 6f36d7 Dec. 5, 2023, 8:29 a.m. No.20029267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9713 >>9946 >>0024

Bishop [DOJ Civil Rights Oversight]: You are not aware of the Missouri vs Biden litigation [social media censorship] that is currently being taken up by the United States Supreme Court?

Assistant Attorney General Clarke: Unfortunately, I'm not, congressman.

Bishop: Assuming you're not aware of that, what reason would there be that the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department's leader is unaware of what a United States District Court has described as the most massive attack on free speech in the United States history?

Clarke: If you could share more of the facts, that could be helpful, congressman.

Bishop: You just don't know, is that correct?

Clarke: That's correct. Unfortunately, this does not appear to be a case that I'm familiar with.

Jordan: The assistant attorney general for the division of civil rights at the Justice Department is not familiar with a huge case, Missouri v Biden, where in that case, I think it was six different federal agencies who were found to be guilty of violating the First Amendment liberties of Americans; HHS, NIAD, FBI, DOJ, DHS, even the White House itself, and you are not familiar with that, is truly…I don't know what we say…it's in front of the Supreme Court, and the head of civil rights division doesn't know; that is scary. If that doesn't in and of itself show that this Justice Department is political in doing things for political reasons, I do not know what does.

Anonymous ID: 6f36d7 Dec. 5, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.20029311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9381

Jordan [DOJ Civil Rights Division Oversight]: Three months ago, the New Mexico governor announced a thirty-day ban on citizen's right to carry a concealed firearm in Albuquerque,and the county that Albuquerque sits in. What did the Justice Department do when the governor did that unconstitutional order?

Clarke: I am generally aware of the matter you are referring to, but gun control is not a core issue that we handle.

Jordan: Second Amendment a fundamental right like the First Amendment; it's pretty important isn't it?

Clarke: These are very important issues to the department.

Jordan: Tell me what the Justice Department did when this happened, when the governor imposed this unconstitutional ban.

Clarke: I'm happy to bring your question back to my colleagues.

Jordan: You don't know that one either. You don't know about Missouri v Biden, you don't know what the DOJ did in response to the governor of New Mexico's action.