Anonymous ID: 9885fd Dec. 5, 2023, 9:17 a.m. No.20029563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20027884 (pb) Arlington House Explosion - Commenter James Yoo


digs into James Yoo are interesting. Connects with DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency) which is the organization that also runs the Ukrainian biolabs.'S-COOPERATIVE-THREAT-REDUCTION-PROGRAM-BIOLOGICAL-THREAT-REDUCTION-PROGRAM-ACTIVITIES-IN-UKRAINE.PDF


One very interesting, ongoing project is the “Body on a Chip” program, funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which combines bioprinting and drug testing procedures. “We are working to print miniature hearts, lungs, blood vessels and livers that can be linked into a system to test the effects of drugs. It has the potential to reduce the use of drug testing in animals. Other projects include work to print ovarian tissue and nasal septum.”


WFIRM is known for successful clinical translation and, over the past few years, has demonstrated that lab-built organs (not necessarily 3D printed ones) can function quite well in patients. “Engineered bladders, vaginas and urine tubes that we engineered by hand have been successfully implanted. 3D printers,” Dr Yoo clarified, “offer the opportunity to scale up this process; they can very precisely combine cells and materials into the desired shape. The replacement tissue or organ can be designed on a computer using a patient’s medical scans.”