Anonymous ID: fdeeb0 Dec. 5, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.20029376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9397



Truly ask the Lord. I get a feeling at times and just know something specific is happening and then it happens.


3o years ago my Mother brought me beans from out West, that she was told were recently found in an Indian cave, previously unknown to the world. She gave me about 8-10 seeds and told me to plant them. So I put them in my jewelry box till I had some place to plant them. years went by and I moved a few times, I no longer find the beans anywhere, likely I tossed them 15 years ago.


I recently saw them by the pound on a sight selling dates, China Date Farm in California. I read a bit about them for the first time. I clicked to buy a pound, changed my mind removed the order, so I thought. However, I ended up getting two pounds of beans. I still don't have a place to plant beans, only a small, raised garden 4x8ft. I knew these beans need a good chance to sprout and reproduce for other to enjoy.


The thought of my homesteader friends came to mind. They live two hours away, but I felt I needed to drive out there and give them the beans if they were interested.


I texted her on Sunday night. She returned my text yesterday, told me she was coming to my town and would I like to meet for lunch. Wow!

I told her about the beans. She told me they were planning to plant beans this spring.


I will see her in two hours and I feel strongly this was all a divine method to carry on these beans. I can't wait to tell my Mom about the beans. Mom has late stage dementia and I would not be surprised if she seems to know what I am talking about. But I want to tell her and my nieces anyway, we all remember the beans she gave us.


The beans are called ANASAZI beans were found in the cliff dwelling in the Four Corners Area, at 7,000feet, grown in dry land soil. They are quick cooking and sweeter than the pinto beans. They are multi-colored and retain the color after cooking and they do not need to be soaked first. Seriously, unadulterated organic non gmo food source.

Info from the bean bag and from the website, China date farm


Their dates are great, too, btw.