Anonymous ID: db0fab Dec. 5, 2023, 1:58 p.m. No.20031043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1052 >>1414 >>1560

==Republicans in the Senate Suddenly Take Strong Stand on the Border and Illegal Immigration in Exchange for Funding Ukraine


Days after new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) again put the Biden administration and the Senate on notice that he would only consider funding for Ukraine if strict border and immigration reforms in H.R 2 were enacted, Republicans in the Senate have suddenly taken a hardline stand on the border and immigration in negotiations with Democrats on funding for Ukraine to defend itself from the ongoing Russian invasion.==


Senate Republicans have been negotiating with Democrats for weeks on border and immigration reforms and have reached an impasse. Joe Biden asked Congress in October to pass a $106 billion spending bill with the bulk of the money going to support the war efforts of Ukraine and Israel. The House passed a separate funding bill in early November to support Israel tied to cuts in IRS funding that Biden and the Democrats have rejected.

Anonymous ID: db0fab Dec. 5, 2023, 2:01 p.m. No.20031053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1414 >>1560

Assistant AG for Civil Rights Claims Ignorance on the ‘Most Massive Attack on Free Speech in US History’ Case — Missouri v. Biden Case, with The Gateway Pundit as Lead Plaintiff


The recent House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government hearing turned tense as Kristen Clarke, the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, claimed ignorance regarding a major free speech case. The case in question, Missouri v. Biden, involves The Gateway Pundit’s founder, Jim Hoft, as the lead plaintiff.


During the hearing focused on the oversight of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, tasked with ensuring adherence to federal anti-discrimination laws, Representative Dan Bishop (R-NC) scrutinized Clarke about her lack of knowledge regarding the Missouri v. Biden case, which is set to be reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).


In October, the Supreme Court announced that it is granting “certiorari”, meaning that it will hear the case, to the litigants in Missouri v. Biden.


However, it also stopped the injunction against the government continuing to censor American citizens. Meaning that, the government will be able to turn the censorship regime back on while the court hears the case.


The Missouri v. Biden case involves the question of whether the Biden regime can use federal government resources to overtly censor American citizens, a practice aggressively begun under the COVID lockdowns. The case has revealed a wide array of government agencies and officials engaged in telling social media companies exactly what to censor, whom to ban, and what speech is permissible.


Legal experts describe Missouri v. Biden as the most important case for free speech in at least a decade. This case has attracted significant attention after a US District Court labeled the Biden regime’s actions as “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”


Clarke admitted to not being familiar with the litigation. Rep. Bishop questioned how the leader of the Civil Rights Division could be unaware of a case described by a U.S. District Court as a major free speech issue. Clarke requested more facts to better understand the case.


Rep. Bishop: Ms. Clarke, in the Biden v. Missouri case in the district court, the court explained, “If the allegations made by the plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack on free speech in United States history.”


The court went on to find that the plaintiffs were reasonably likely to succeed on the merits at trial and entered a preliminary injunction. The Fifth Circuit has affirmed, and the Supreme Court has taken jurisdiction of the case. Of course, that’s all civil litigation is any criminal investigation or prosecution of the persons responsible for that activity in the FBI, CISA, and at the White House and their co-conspirators underway in the Civil Rights Division.


Clarke: Congressman, I’m not familiar with this litigation, but happy to bring your question back.


Bishop: So, let me just make sure I understand that you are not aware of the Missouri versus Biden litigation that is currently being taken up by the United States Supreme Court. Is that correct?


Clarke: Unfortunately, I’m not. Congressman.


Bishop: Assuming that you’re not aware of that, what reason would there be that the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department leader is unaware of what a United States District Court has described as the most massive attack on free speech in the United States history?


Clarke: If you could share more of the facts, that could be helpful, Congressman.


Bishop: Otherwise, you just don’t know, is that correct?


Clarke: That’s correct. Unfortunately, this does not appear to be a case that I’m familiar with.

Anonymous ID: db0fab Dec. 5, 2023, 2:04 p.m. No.20031062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1069 >>1073

Brave 11-year-old girl refuses to share bed with boy on overnight school trip; her parents now demand answers from district


The parents of an 11-year-old Colorado girl have solicited the help of Alliance Defending Freedom, an organization dedicated to protecting religious and free speech rights, after their daughter was placed in the same room as a boy on an overnight school trip and nearly forced to share a bed with him.


Last June, the 11-year-old daughter of Joe and Serena Wailes was one of many students who participated in a trip to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., sponsored by Jefferson County Public Schools, a district located just west of Denver. The Waileses were under the impression that during the overnight portions of the trip, students would be segregated by sex and would even be prohibited from visiting the rooms of members of the opposite sex without permission.


"Girls on one floor, boys on another, they’re not going to be in each other’s rooms unless it is pre-approved," Serena Wailes recalled district representatives repeatedly saying, according to the Daily Signal.


During the trip, the Waileses' daughter, identified only as D.W., was arranged to share a hotel room with two female students from her school and a student from another school, identified as K.E.M. As each hotel room had two beds and four students, students had to share bed with a fellow student, and D.W. was assigned to share a bed with K.E.M.


To make K.E.M. feel more at ease in a room with strangers, D.W. struck up a conversation. At that point, K.E.M. voluntarily revealed to D.W. that he is a biological boy who identifies as transgender. D.W. became uncomfortable with the prospect of sharing a bed with a boy. She immediately went to the hotel room bathroom, which reportedly did not lock, and called her mother, who had accompanied the students on the trip but was not an official chaperone.


According to a letter that ADF sent to JCPS Superintendent Tracy Dorland on Monday on behalf of the Waileses, what happened next was a series of lies and obfuscations that attempted to protect "K.E.M.’s privacy and feelings" at the expense of the privacy and feelings of other students and parents. Serena Wailes, D.W., a teacher, and Principal Ryan Lucas met in the lobby of the hotel. Lucas then spoke with K.E.M.'s parents, who confirmed that K.E.M. is a boy but insisted that he was supposed to be in "stealth mode," "meaning students on the trip would not know about their child’s transgender status."


While Serena Wailes requested that D.W. be assigned to a different room, the chaperones asked D.W. whether she would consider remaining in the same room but sleeping in a different bed. As she was exhausted from the long trip, D.W. reluctantly agreed to those arrangements for one night.


D.W. was also instructed to lie to her roommates and indicate she had to change beds to be closer to the air conditioner, the ADF letter claimed, which led to an unforeseen new problem: one of the roommates suggested that the pairs swap beds so that D.W. and K.E.M. could share the bed next to the air conditioner.