Anonymous ID: 4f2e4d Dec. 5, 2023, 5:46 p.m. No.20032065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prior Knowledge of Planned Attacks: Short-selling / Put Options [9/11, 10/7]

(pb) >>20030665

Israeli stocks saw short-selling spike ahead of attacks

(pb) >>20030681

US professors detected unusual trading activity on Tel Aviv and US stock exchanges before 7 October


Sources tell CBS News that the afternoon before the attack, alarm bells were sounding over unusual trading in the US stock options market

— CBS News, September 19, 2001.


Short selling involves selling borrowed assets in anticipation of a price drop

Because of its many risks, [short selling should only be used by sophisticated traders] familiar with the risks of shorting and the regulations involved.


The CIA is Wall Street. Wall Street is the CIA.

A “put” option is a leveraged bet that a stock price is going to fall precipitously

all of these firms had seen unusual levels of put option purchases right before 9/11 and almost every company’s shares had fallen sharply right after the attack

The trades could only have been made by people high enough in the US, Israeli, and European intelligence communities (including Russia) to know about the attacks and — more importantly — which of many planned attacks were going to be successful. This circle could, of course, have included key world financial and political figures who were implementing a global agenda


A jump in UAL put options 90 times (not 90 percent) above normal between September 6 and September 10, and 285 times higher than average on the Thursday before the attack.

— CBS News, September 26

A jump in American Airlines put options 60 times (not 60 percent) above normal on the day before the attacks.

— CBS News, September 26

‘If these clowns really bought puts on airline stocks and financial companies the day before the attacks, then they left another incriminating paper trail that may help provide proof of who masterminded the evil.’

— Bloomberg