Gavin is a Christ hater
Ghosts Haunt Abortionist and Gender Fuckers
Soi tois had a protection racket relationship with all of em
Got the maher call then deny citing ignorance
Ass inhumane ass their counterpart ackbar landgrubbin murderers
Faggot thinks he personifies America when he only shines trannie, gloating satanists. Fuck YOURSELF AND THE OTHER TING MALE WIFE
It must , feeding on lies and humans is itโs only play
Moral superior devil worshippers , frightening law abiding critical thinking logic with immorality and licentiousness gratuitous behavior
Fuck fox, dude sucks worse than car-vile
Gang buying Panicking intensifies
Msdnc carvile craving children stalkers
While both wearing heels and lipstick preying on innocent children - you can be all this, cause mommy ses so
Prolly hates it as much as watching daughter dress like a witch while defending self from Cucknewswhoring gaslighter carvile tranbait
Israeli stock shorter , never knew anything, but kill all humans for the gas and oil, yeah!
Fuck all those censoring niggers. Who wants to hear the sound of teeth gnashing anyways
When the paymasters hiding scared with their shorted stocks from the mob they built and paid for, is like watching what America went through while under their same demonic ritual
Watching JFK Daley square reruns and eating pedo sammiches
Smirking terrorist number one
One of those grafted from the thighs of once pretty girls but now dead, gangrenous putrid malformed poorly crafted dickmess. Includes the wannabes too