Anonymous ID: 18c22a Basic Comms Example Dec. 5, 2023, 11:15 p.m. No.20033104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10/06/2016: CABLE GUY breaks JOHN’s Arm in DISGUSTING TAPE

10/07/2016 NBC/ABC/CBS (CABLE GUYS) First Air DISGUSTING TAPE of Donald JOHN Trump. The day HRC "won the election" i.e. BROKE TRUMP.


Preparation Article -Execution Event.


This was the media hyping itself up.


Trump’s entire campaign was built off combating the MSM. The “Enemy of the People”.


So if there was ever a motive for a large section of the media to coordinate against any human being anywhere… it would obviously be Trump!


Before the match began, they already had “Funny Bone” written down. The same thing “CABLE GUY” i.e. CABLE News broke.


Funny bone broke = Trump not able to laugh it off.


The choice of breaking the "Funny Bone" should be obvious if you remember 2016.


Remember when Megyn Kelly's attempted to bring up his "sexist statements" and it all turned into a win for Trump with a joke.


That didn't work with Access Hollywood.


Trump got out of Access Hollywood heat by bringing the Clinton accusers with him to the debate 2 days after the tape went live.


"Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me."


"It generated record-breaking news traffic."


You can understand why they thought Trump would "break" and why it didn't work.


And now you know how they coordinated it!


This is what the Cable Guy posted on Instagram the next day.


Jeffrey "FOX" is BEATEN UP.


Fox News was synonymous with Trump and his own character “CABLE GUY” is standing behind him. “WHO DID THIS!?!” with laughing emoji’s.


The joke is in how "he" CABLE did it.


He wasn't the only celeb coordinating.


Tom Hanks?



10/06/2016 NORMANDY (START OF WAR) FRIDAY! BANG! “Girl’s Recommended” = Preference for girl outrage.

10/07/2016 FRIDAY (WAR!) NBC/ABC/CBS (CABLE GUY) Airs Access Hollywood


Thread continues here


Just one of many examples I'm often decoding.