I have been following Q since December and I am believer because I have been keeping up with the drops and I am convinced. But in order for Q to go viral, the predictions need to get more accurate and not on some clock that people have to decipher. If Q wants the audience to grow there needs to be less ambiguity. I understand the need for some ambiguity and the psyops involved, it's necessary but this will explode when people can read a prediction by Q and for it to happen exactly and soon after. We can't have any more "Next Week" without it being huge.
I trust but at the same time I feel the time is ripe with Trump getting a boost with the base, people are listening now and are ready
Press the advantage of recent Trump victories, keep it going until they are routed Q
More pics of Trumps' Angels instead
time for an earthQuake
O Mary! conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
I'm married with a kid