Anonymous ID: b2f2b4 July 2, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.2003582   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We may have a situation on our hands. Seems someone is threatening a "high school shooting" style event at this year's anime expo in Los Angeles, CA. The event is 7/5-7/8. Already started some preliminary digging. This could be a possible incident to provoke gun control. I need your help. Possible sight of a 7/7 false flag? Alonzo Rodriguez is the name of the alleged author of the threat. Looks like a total basket case. Facebook post warning of this incident. Facebook page of the suspected culprit. Mentally unstable (bi polar or borderline personality disorder). Suscribes to antifa style thinking. Talks about "drug trafficking at anime conventions". That right there reminds me of the Comet Ping Pong Shooter.


What is needed: Dig into this bastard some more. What is the security firm hired for this event?