Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 7:59 a.m. No.20034329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4559 >>4772 >>4908 >>5116

Grothman Blasts UPenn President Over Jewish Student Who Is 'Afraid To Walk To The Library At Night'

Grotham followed up on Rep Joe Wilson Hammersquestion “how many professors are conservative at the 3 universities?”They all said they don’t track that, Grotham said Harvard only 2% of professors at Harvard condidered President Trump ok or good. And only 1% of students approved of Trump. He asked the school leaders: Are you worried about the lack of Diversity at your University?


I found this study from 2016, so someone tracks it:

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study

Bradford Richardson, October 6, 2016

A new study confirms what even the most casual observer of higher education has long known — that conservative professors are vastly outnumbered by liberal ones — but it also shows that the problem is getting worse.

Published in Econ Journal Watch last month, the study looks atfaculty voter registration at 40 leading universities and finds that, out of 7,243 professors, Democrats outnumber Republicans 3,623 to 314, or by a ratio of 11 1/2 to 1.

The study comes after a tumultuous few years at American colleges and universities, marked by campus race protests, the disinvitation of conservative speakers and the popularization of phrases such as “trigger warning” and “safe space.”


Out of five departments analyzed by the authors, thefield friendliest to conservative scholars is economics, where there are only 4.5 liberal professors for every conservative. Conversely,history is by far the least conservative-friendly department, where liberals outnumber conservatives by a 33 1/2-to-1 ratio. This stands is instark contrast to a 1968 study that put the Democrat-to-Republican contrast in history departments at 2.7 to 1, the study points out. Even reports from as recent as2004 have estimated liberals outnumber conservatives in the field by a ratio between 9 to 1 and 15 to 1.


The authors of the analysis — Brooklyn College business professor Mitchell Langbert, private sector economist Anthony J. Quain and George Mason University economist Daniel B. Klein — speculate that the rapidly growingdisparity is due in part to the rise of academic subcategories, such as the histories of gender, race and class, where a liberal orientation is the foundation for subsequent research.


Kim R. Holmes, a distinguished fellow at The Heritage Foundation, said theascendance of multiculturalism in the humanitiesmakes it difficult for conservatives to find work teaching. “If you’re going to have a Gender Studies Department, or something like that, the progressive assumptions are built into the very idea of the department, so you’re not going to hire any conservative professors,” said Mr. Holmes, who is the author of “The Closing of the Liberal Mind.” “Because of this, the imbalance has proliferated.”


The disparity is highest at the most prestigious universities, the study finds. Pennsylvania State University, for instance, has a comparatively balanced faculty ratio of 6 to 1, while Ohio State University enjoys even closer ideological parity at 3.2 to 1. But a pair of Ivy League universities, Columbia and Princeton, both weigh in at 30 to 1. The university with the most even ratio examined in the report is Pepperdine University, which has a reputation for being a conservative school but still has 1.2 Democrats for every Republican on the faculty.


But Mr. Holmes said increasing intellectual homogeneity in academia does not bode well for the health of the American republic, pointing to the Founders’ belief in the necessity of a virtuous and well-educated citizenry.

“If the culture at large neither cares about morality anymore and, on top of that, the education is being cheapened, it’s no longer about trying to teach people to think critically but about trying to indoctrinate them to a certain point of view,” Mr. Holmes said. “The American public over time is going to decline in the ability to be self-governing, and, ultimately, that’s a threat to democracy.”

Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 8:44 a.m. No.20034625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4772 >>4908 >>5116

Listening to Director Wray in front of the Senate makes me think of the poem,”The Snake”! And all of these Senators just rubber stamp these nominated people left and right. Why wouldn’t they investigate any of them. Not only that, they never penalize these leaders in any way. They just yell and shout and Wray goes away happy that he never answered or offered solutions. But Wray, honestly is as snaky as Comey or worse, he just lies and lies and he gets away with it. The FBI never penalize their top performing radical leftists, only the ones that are too patriotic and letter of the law guys


Watch how frustrated Sen. Lee gets. More yelling and screaming and thats it!

'You Have A Lot Of Gall, Sir!': Mike Lee Explodes At FBI's Wray Over Agents' Abuses



Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.20034714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4772 >>4908 >>5136

Judge Denies Jack Smith's Request To Conceal Documents In Trump Classified Materials Case

WEDNESDAY, DEC 06, 2023.1/2

A federal judge has denied special counsel Jack Smith's request to keep some documents hidden in former President Donald Trump's classified documents case.

Judge Aileen Cannon, who's overseeing the trial in former President Donald Trump's classified documents case, has rejected a motion by special counsel Jack Smith to keep some documents hidden from President Trump's defense.

In an order signed on Dec. 4, Judge Cannon directed a court clerk to unseal multiple documents that Mr. Smith's team sought to keep sealed in the case that accuses the former president of retaining sensitive government materials, including some that were marked top secret, at his Mar-a-Lago home.

President Trump has said he used presidential powers to declassify the materials, insisting that he isn't guilty and calling the case an attempt by his political foes to hamper his 2024 presidential run.

The former president's longtime aide Walt Nauta and Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos De Oliveira have been named as co-defendants in the case; both also have pleaded not guilty.

President Trump's defense team and Mr. Smith's prosecutors have been litigating over what portion of classified materials the defendants are allowed to view, with the judge's latest decision delivering a win of sorts for the co-defendants.

"In light of the Special Counsel's Response to Defendants Motion to Unseal 230, and mindful of the strong presumption in favor of public access to judicial documents,the Clerk is directed to unseal docket entries 223, 224, and 230,"Judge Cannon's Dec. 4 order reads.

More Details

The newly unsealed docket entry 230, a response by prosecutors to a Dec. 1 court order, shows that Mr. Smith's team agreed to unseal the documents, as requested by the defense, although prosecutors insisted on some redactions. (230 order attached)

"The defendants did not oppose the Government's request, but reserved the right to challenge the redactions later," the document reads.

Mr. Smith's team also revealed in the newly unsealed court filing that prosecutors initially opposed unsealing 223 and 224 becauseit "would have revealed to defense counsel information, albeit unclassified, about the contours of the Government's planned CIPA Section 4 motion," meaning that it risked giving President Trump's legal team an opportunity to more effectively counter Mr. Smith's moves.

President Trump has been charged with retaining national defense information, meaning that his case will be tried under the complex rules laid out in the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA), which governs how those documents can be used in court.

A CIPA Section 4 motion asks the judge to redactcertain information from the classified documents that are turned over to the defense.

The seven-stage CIPA process is sequential, meaning that one stage has to be completed before going on to the next. A key issue is that a delay at one stage of the CIPA process can affect the entire trial schedule.

Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 9:03 a.m. No.20034736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4772 >>4908 >>5136



President Trump's attorneys wanted the trial to take place after the 2024 election, while Mr. Smith's team has pushed for a faster timetable.


Mr. Smith said in the 230 filing that thereasonhe no longer opposes keeping the documents hidden from the public is that thecourt earlier ordered full, unredacted versions of the 223 and 224 docket entriesto be provided to President Trump's lawyers.


"Because the Court rejected that position and ordered the Government to provide unredacted versions of the two docket entries to defense counsel, there is no justification for keeping them from the public," the special counsel wrote.


In a recent ruling in the classified documents case, Judge Cannongranted in part and denied in part the defense's request to postpone deadlines, including the trial.


Possible Change to Trial Date


While Judge Cannon denied the defense's motion to change the trial date, she saida delay would "be considered at a scheduling conference on March 1, 2024," which is just three days before President Trump's trial is set to start in another case that Mr. Smith is prosecuting in Washington.


Citing the "high volume" of classified discovery, the judge wrote that it's "most prudent, given the evolving complexities in this matter, to adjust the first batch of pre-trial deadlines." She said that she couldn't "ignore the realities" of President Trump's several other trial schedules.


Theorder sets new deadlines for discovery, including a joint discovery status report on Jan. 9, 2024, and a pretrial motions deadline for Feb. 22, 2024, the last deadline before the rest of the trial schedule will be decided after a March 1, 2024, hearing.


In Washington, Mr. Smith is prosecuting President Trump in a case that accuses him of illegally interfering with the 2020 elections, and the trial is set for March 4, 2024.


Defense attorneys have said numerous times thatthey need time to go through 1.3 million pages of unclassified discovery, 5,500 pages of classified discovery, and 60 terabytes of security video footage==.


Defense attorneys have said they will seek tocompeladditional material from the special counsel's officeand from the FBI.


The special counsel's office, meanwhile, is seeking to prevent some of the already-produced classified discovery from the defendants.


Link to order:

Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 9:20 a.m. No.20034828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4908 >>5136

"They're Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud": Tucker And Massie Slam Additional Ukraine Funds For 'War They Cannot Win'

With the Biden administration pushing a $106 billion aid package to primarily fund war in Ukraine and Israel, Tucker Carlson sat down with Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) on Tuesday, where they discussed the push by establishment lawmakers for more Ukraine funding despite it being a 'war they cannot win.'


When asked why, Massie explained that the military-industrial complex thrives on the sale of "deadly munitions," which enriches shareholders, "some of whom are congressmen."


"But you gotta wonder like, why is the leadership of your party, the Republican party, in favor of this? Why the new speaker — seems like a nice guy but also like a child —why would his first act as speakerbe to endorse this? I’m confused," said Carlson.


To which Massie replied: "Well, I hope he doesn’t. But you know, Biden’s budget director, the head of the OMB sent a letter yesterday to Speaker Mike Johnson, imploring him to spend more money in Ukraine. And what they said is they want to revitalize our defense industrial base."


"And they sent a list of states that would get money when we spend, you know, money on deadly munitions because they have to be manufactured in Alabama or Ohio or Texas," Massie continued. "And so, you know, they’re saying the quiet part out loud that congressmen tend to vote for this stuff because a lot of this federalspending that goes to Ukraine is actually laundered back to the military-industrial complex. And in some ways, not very efficiently, but in some ways, it enriches people in their districts and the stockholders, some of whom are congressmen."


The two also discussed US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her influence in Ukraine, with Carlson calling her "the single most consequential voice" in the Ukraine debate.


(Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan, notably penned a 'Trump Dictator' piece in the Washington Post last week)


Carlson notes that she was a "driving force behind the war in Iraq, which was of course a disaster and hurt the United States," and now "she has far more influence on it than the entire United States Congress put together."


"How do we allow unelected lunatics like 'Toria Nulandwho clearly hates the United States, and always has, to have this power over our lives and our childrens' future?"


To which Massie replied: "I don't know I feel likesome of these deep State bureaucratsthey're like the kids whohad no friends in high schooland somebody did something bad to them long ago. And now they've got some power, and they realize how to grab it, and they're gonna have retribution on everybody else."


As the Daily Caller notes, Carlson then asked if the people advocating for more war have ever apologized for "the killing of an entire" generation of Ukrainians who are fighting a "war they cannot win."


"That’s all so grotesque, but it’s also straightforward. You know, people are getting rich, so let’s do it. Okay — that’s an argument. It’s an immoral argument but it is one. But that’s not the argument they’re making in public. They’re saying we have a moral obligation."


"You’re a bad person, you just heard the national security advisor say it, you’re a bad person if you’re against this. But no one ever mentions that we have abetted the killing of an entire generation of Ukrainian men that will not be replaced. To fight a war that they cannot win." -Tucker Carlson


Carlson also pointed out that the Biden administration "prevented a peace deal and we extended the war, and we killed all these people," adding "And so all the ones running around with their little Ukraine flag pins, they’re implicated in that.Has anyone apologized?"


To which Massie replied,"No, to support this money you have to be economically illiterate and morally deficient."

Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 9:27 a.m. No.20034876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4908 >>5116

"I'm Leaving The House": Ousted Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy Taking His Ball, Going Home


WED, DEC 06, 2023 - 11:40 AM



In a Wednesday WSJ Op-Ed, McCarthy tooted his own horn over having "helped lead Republicans to a House majority—twice," and having "passed legislation to secure the border, achieve energy independence, reduce crime, hold government accountable and establish a Parents’ Bill of Rights."


We kept our eyes on America’s long-term global challenges by restoring the Intelligence Committee to its original charter and establishing a bipartisan Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.


We reduced the deficit by more than $2 trillion, revamped work requirements for adults on the sidelines, cut red tape for critical domestic energy projects, and protected the full faith and credit of the U.S. We kept our government operating and our troops paid while wars broke out around the world. -WSJ


After congratulating himself, McCarthy then announced that he's outta there…


"It is in this spirit that I have decided todepart the House at the end of this yearto serve America in new ways," adding (of course), I know my work is only getting started." (He’s leaving to get revenge.)


McCarthy has vowed to "continue to recruit our country’s best and brightestto run for elected office," and "helping entrepreneurs and risk-takers reach their full potential." (That’s even worse than him staying,he will recruit anti-MAGA, especially since Trump didn’t support him!)


So he'll essentially be a lobbyist / life-business coach?

Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.20034934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5136

Trump Campaign Strikes Back At 'Dictator' Hit-Piece In WaPo, Gaetz Says 'Green-Lighting Assassination'

WED., DEC 06, 2023 - 06:05 AM

Over the last week, several outlets published articles warning that a second Trump term would turn America into a dictatorship.

The Washington Post most notably ran a piece written by Robert Kagan, husband of Former State Department official Victoria Nuland (who was deeply involved in peddling the Steele dossier) titled "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending."

Many suggested this was a clear call to assassinate the former US President.

Let’s stop the wishful thinking and face the stark reality: There is a clear path to dictatorship in the United States, and it is getting shorter every day. In 13 weeks, Donald Trump will have locked up the Republican nomination.

[…] Are we going to do anything about it? To shift metaphors, if we thought there was a 50 percent chance of an asteroid crashing into North America a year from now, would we be content to hope that it wouldn’t? Or would we be taking every conceivable measure to try to stop it, including many things that might not work but that, given the magnitude of the crisis, must be tried anyway?


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said in response on X: “They’re obviously green-lighting assassination”.

In addition to the post, The Atlantic and the NY Timeshave also published stories warning of a "Trump dictatorship" in recent days, with the Times suggesting that a second Trump term would likely be more radical than his first, The Hill reports.

"All of these articles calling Trump a dictator are about one thing: legitimizing illegal and violent conduct as we get closer to the election,”wrote Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) on X. "Everyone needs to take a chill pill."

"It’s August 2016 all over again. Skyrocketing cost of health care has millions worried. President Trump’s Dem. opponent off the campaign trail & hiding from the press," wrote senior Trump adviser Jason Miller on X, adding "Dems & their media allies have given up on debating issues & have shifted to name-calling & rhetorical fearmongering."

Trump campaign responds

"This is nothing more than another version of the media’s failed and false Russia collusion hoax," said Trump spox Steven Cheung, referring to The Atlantic's project to devote their January/February issue to analyzing what a second Trump term would mean for immigration, civil rights, the Justice Department, climate and more.

Other Trump allies similarly chimed in, with Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) saying that the Atlantic is using "the same hysterical scare tactics from 2016 & 2020 to attack Trump," while Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX) said in response to WaPo that the left has gone into "FULL PANIC Mode," and said that instead - a second Trump term would mean "the end of dictators in America, NOT the beginning."

Meanwhile Trump's detractors, such as Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), told MSNBC last month that a second Trump term "would look a lot like Viktor Orban in Hungary — illiberal democracy, meaning democracy without rights, or liberties, or respect for the due process, the system, the rule of law."

Liz in the wingsThis was hard to write with a straight face… Liz Cheney on Tuesday even floated the idea of running as a 3rd party candidate to disrupt Trump's momentum. "I certainly hope to play a role in helping to ensure that the country has … a new, fully conservative part," she told USA Today, adding "And so whether that means restoring the current Republican Party, which … looks like a very difficult if not impossible task, or setting up a new party, I do hope to be involved and engaged in that."

"I think that the situation that we're in is so grave, and the politics of the moment require independents and Republicans and Democrats coming together in a way that can help form a new coalition, so that may well be a third-party option," she continued.

Talk about delusions of grandeur!

Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 9:45 a.m. No.20034991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5136

"Echo Chamber Of Diplomats": Jeff Ubben The Latest Fund Manager To Criticize "Green" Investing

WED., DEC 06, 2023 - 05:45 AM


Just days after it was reported that Jeff Ubben would be shutting downhis "green" Inclusive Capital fund, the former ValueAct manager isn't pulling any punches with what he thinks about green investing.

In a new Bloomberg report, Ubben spoke out about what he is calling the “echo chamber” of traditional climate summitry. After shuttering his sustainability fund, which he said was not "rewarded" by markets, Ubben has joined a chorus of voices speaking out about "green" energy advocates who, in the name of virtue, the climate and the environment,are creating more division than they solve.

“It’s been this echo chamber of diplomats going to these conferences and putting out flowery language and goals, but it doesn’t have traction,” Ubben said, talking about climate conferences.

“There’s no money behind it, which is why company balance sheets are so important,” he added. “We all need to work together.”

Ubber originally had the goal to “collaborate with companies whose core businesses address essential societal needs with a focus on reducing negative externalities” when he started Inclusive Capital. But, as the report notes, the "exact opposite" played out over the last 3 years.

“Shares of companies pursuing capital-intensive projects needed to drive lower greenhouse gas emissions have been ‘sold off’ in the public markets asbeing too riskyor too far out in terms of any potential reward,” he said.

Recall less than a week ago we noted that $30 billion has been shaved off the value of clean energy stocks over the last 6 months.

Rate hikes, which affect the profitability of large-scale projects like solar and wind farms, have led to project cancellations and even bankruptcies in the field, the report says. The optimism spurred by the Inflation Reduction Act has faded, resulting in a 25% reduction in the market value of U.S. companies listed in the S&P Global Clean Energy Index in the half-year period ending November 27.

The report noted that the downturn highlights the significant challenges facing Biden's climate objectives. Clean energy firms not only grapple with steep financing costs but also face hurdles in community acceptance, obtaining government permits, and integrating into an aging power grid that struggles to support the influx of renewable energy.

Meanwhile, oil and gas companies are intensifying their extraction activities - and, according to Biden, making 'more money than God' in the process. Either way the message is clear: the U.S.'s journey towards a carbon-neutral electricity grid by 2035 is becoming increasingly difficult.

Eric Scheriff, senior managing director at Capstone, told Bloomberg:“We’re in the moment of realization now where some of the euphoria has worn off and we’re starting to realize it’s still not going to be easy.”

We also pointed out just days ago how the ESG grift was reaching endgame after Markus Müller, chief investment officer ESG at Deutsche Bank's Private Bank stated that sustainability funds should include traditional energy stocks, arguing that not doing so deprives investors of a prime opportunity to invest in the transition to renewable energy.

"When we think about clean energy, these are business models which are quite new and sensitive to interest rates," he said.

It's not surprising, as we have been calling outESG as a griftsince the virtue signaling "trend" was born from the soil of near-unlimited liquidity during the Covid years. Recall, back in August we noted that companies with good ESG scores polluted just as much as those with low ones.

Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 9:52 a.m. No.20035023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5136

Harnwell: Ireland announces it has “run out of room” for refugees — 75% of which are Ukrainian.

Ben always does the best report on Ukraine and the EU




For years, the left said that anyone who opposed mass immigration was racist.


I always said I wasn’t motivated by racism, but by the fact I don’t want to be paying for immigrants. I always maintained I would have exactly the same viewpoint if millions of blond-haired blue-eyed people with no money wanted to come into my country. No-one ever believed me.


And yet here we are. An “Aryan Invasion” — to coin a phrase — and I haven’t changed a bit.


The Irish agree — the FT links Ukrainians flooding Ireland and the rise of the “far right”.


(They use the term “right leaning” only “far right”, they think that will scare people away, but its attracting more and more daily)

Anonymous ID: eb459f Dec. 6, 2023, 10:07 a.m. No.20035110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5136

Governments are spying on Apple and Google users through phone notifications, U.S. senator says











Wyden, D-Ore., said his office investigated a tip from last year alleging that government agencies have been “demanding” these records from both companies. Since push notifications like news alerts, emails and social media alerts travel through Apple’s and Google’s servers, they can reveal unique insights about how individual people use particular apps, Wyden explained in the letter.

Governments can force Apple and Google to hand over these records, just like they can be compelled to share any other information they have regarding their users, according to the letter. In the U.S., however, Wyden said information about push notification records cannot be released to the public.

“Apple and Google should be permitted to be transparent about the legal demands they receive, particularly from foreign governments, just as the companies regularly notify users about other types of government demands for data,” Wyden wrote. “I would ask that the DOJ repeal or modify any policies that impede this transparency.”

Push notification records can reveal which app received a notification, when it was received, the phone and Apple or Google account that the notification was delivered to, and in some cases, theunencrypted text displayed in the notification, according to the letter.

Wyden did not specify which governments have asked Apple and Google for push notification records. The senator’s office did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for comment.

A source confirmed to Reuters that foreign government agencies,as well as U.S. government agencies, have asked both Google and AppleGovernments are spyingon Apple and Google users through phone notifications, U.S. senator says.

For instance, the agencies have asked for metadata that can help connect anonymous users on messaging apps to specific Apple and Google accounts, according to the report.

“In this case, the federal government prohibited us from sharing any information,” an Apple spokesperson told CNBC. “Now that this method has become public we are updating our transparency reporting to detail these kinds of requests.”

A Google spokesperson said the company shares Wyden’s commitment to keeping people informed about requests for push notification records.

“We were the first major company to publish a public transparency report sharing the number and types of government requests for user data we receive, including the requests referred to by Senator Wyden,” the spokesperson said in a statement. The company did not clarify where it publishes requests for information about push notification records, or if it is restricted.

The Department of Justice did not immediately respond to requests for comment.