Anonymous ID: 0229dc Dec. 6, 2023, 12:06 p.m. No.20035632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5684 >>5710

ADL / B’nai B’rith dig


The Nature of the ADL

In January 1993, the San Francisco Police Department reported that it had recently raided the Northern California headquarters of the ADL based upon information provided by the FBI.


The SFPD discovered that the organization had been keeping intelligence files on more than 600 civic organizations and 10,000 individuals, overwhelmingly of a liberal orientation, with the SFPD inspector estimating that75% of the material had been illegally obtained, much of it bysecret payments to police officials.


This was merely the tip of the iceberg in what clearly amounted to thelargest domestic spying operation by any private organization in American history, and according to some sources,ADL agents across the country had targeted over 1,000 political, religious, labor, and civil rights organizations, with the New York headquarters of the ADLmaintaining active dossiers on more than a million Americans.”


This is shocking information that perhaps only a handful of Americans know anything about.The recent dust-up with Elon Muskhas put the ADL’s methods under a microscope particularly their alleged role in censoring people on the Internet.


So, my question to you is this: What is the ADL? Is it really a civil rights organization that “combats extremism and antisemitism” or is it something else altogether?

Anonymous ID: 0229dc Dec. 6, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.20035684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5710


ADL / B’nai B’rith - Influence

Founded in 1913, the ADL—the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith—is a very formidable Jewish activist organization that hasgreat influence over the media and other important elements of American society,and therefore is widely feared in elite circles. As I explained in my 2018 article:


In our modern era, there are surely few organizations that so terrify powerful Americans as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, a central organ of the organized Jewish community.


Mel Gibsonhad long been one of the most popular stars in Hollywood and his 2004 filmThe Passion of the Christbecame among the most profitable in world history, yet the ADL and its allies destroyed his career, and he eventually donated millions of dollars to Jewish groups in desperate hopes of regaining some of his public standing.


When the ADL criticized a cartoon that had appeared in one of his newspapers, media titanRupert Murdochprovided his personal apology to that organization, and the editors ofThe Economistquickly retracted a different cartoon once it came under ADL fire.Billionaire Tom Perkins, a famed Silicon Valley venture capitalist, was forced to issue a heartfelt apology after coming under ADL criticism for his choice of words in a Wall Street Journal column.


These were all proud, powerful individuals, and they must have deeply resented being forced to seek such abject public forgiveness, but they did so nonetheless.The total list of ADL supplicants over the years is a very long one.


Because of its media influence, the ADL’s coverage has almost always been extremely favorable, portraying it as one of America’s leading watchdogs against dangerous extremism, especially anti-Semitism or racism.


Given this powerful, positive image, the ADL successfully gained the role of content gatekeeper at some of America’s largestInternet companies, helping to determine what may or may not be said on such important platforms as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.Indeed, a few years ago Silicon Valley’s San Jose Mercury News profiled the ADL Director who was responsible for policing “hate speech” across the American-dominated global Internet.


Meanwhile, that same media influence has ensured that only very few people have ever become aware of the organization’s long history ofillegal spying upon enormous numbers of Americans, including such notable figures as Martin Luther King. Jr.I discussed this in my 2018 article:

Anonymous ID: 0229dc Dec. 6, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.20035710   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The choice of the ADL as the primary ideological overseer of America’s Internet may seem natural and appropriate to politically-ignorant Americans, a category that unfortunately includes the technology executives leading the companies involved. But this reflectsthe remarkable cowardice and dishonesty of the American mediafrom which all these individuals derive their knowledge of our world. The true recent history of the ADL is actually a sordid and disreputable tale.


In January 1993, the San Francisco Police Department reported that it had recently raided the Northern California headquarters of the ADL based upon information provided by the FBI. The SFPD discovered thatthe organization had been keeping intelligence files on more than 600 civic organizations and 10,000 individuals, overwhelmingly of a liberal orientation, with the SFPD inspector estimating that 75% of the material had been illegally obtained, much of it by secret payments to police officials.


This was merely the tip of the icebergin what clearly amounted to the largest domestic spying operation by any private organization in American history, and according to some sources, ADL agents across the country had targeted over 1,000 political, religious, labor, and civil rights organizations, with the New York headquarters of the ADL maintaining active dossiers on more than a million Americans.


Not long afterward, an ACLU official who had previously held a high-ranking position with the ADL revealed in an interview that his organization had been the actual source of the highly controversial1960s surveillance on Martin Luther King, Jr., which it had then provided toFBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.


For many years Hoover had been furiously denounced in the national media headlines for his use oftapes and other secret information on King’s activities, but when a local San Francisco newspaper revealed that anADL spying operation had actually been the source of all that sordid material, the bombshell revelation was totally ignored in the national media and only reported by fringe organizations, so that todayalmost no Americans are aware of that fact.


I know of no other private organization in American history that has been involved in even a sliver of such illegal domestic espionage activity, which appears to have been directed against almost all groups and prominent individuals—left, right, and center—suspected of being insufficiently aligned with Jewish and Israeli interests.


Some of the illegal material found in the ADL’s possession even raised dark suspicions that it had played a role in domestic terrorist attacks and political assassinations directed against foreign leaders. I am no legal expert, but given the massive scale of such illegal ADL activities,


I wonder whether a plausible case might have been made to prosecute the entire organization under RICO statutes and sentence all of its leaders to long prison terms.


Instead, the resulting government charges were quickly settled with merely a trivial fine and a legal slap on the wrist, demonstrating the near-total impunity provided by massive Jewish political power in modern American society.


In effect, the ADL seems to have long operated as a privatized version of our country’s secret political police, monitoring and enforcing its ideological doctrines on behalf of Jewish groups much as the Stasi did for the Communist rulers of East Germany.


Given such a long history of criminal activity,allowing the ADL to extend its oversight to our largest Social Media platforms amounts to appointing the Mafia to supervise the FBI and the NSA, or taking a very large step towards implementing George Orwell’s ” Ministry of Truth” on behalf of Jewish interests.


In his 1981 memoirs, the far right Classics scholar Revilo P. Oliver characterized the ADL as“the formidable organization of Jewish cowboys who ride herd on their American cattle”and this seems a reasonably apt description to me.