Anonymous ID: 4e0b08 Dec. 6, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.20035186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5218 >>5256 >>5321 >>5322 >>5403 >>5545 >>5577 >>5583

6 Dec, 2023 KEK

Kiev could become a Russian city – US senator

Democrat Chris Murphy has insisted Ukraine will lose the fight against Moscow unless Republicans greenlight President Joe Biden’s aid package


Russia could attack other parts of Europe after defeating Ukraine, US Democratic Senator Chris Murphy claimed as he called on Republican lawmakers to approve continued funding for Kiev.


Speaking with NBC News on Wednesday following a Republican walkout from a classified Senate briefing on Ukraine, Murphy insisted that unless the US continues to support Ukraine, it will “lose this war” and Kiev will become “a Russian city.”


The Connecticut senator suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin would then have a “green light to march on NATO and Europe,” unless the US acts.


Murphy condemned Republican lawmakersfor refusing to pass President Joe Biden’s latest $111 billion aid request, which he claimed would “save the world from Putin’s aggression.”


Moscow has repeatedly stressed that it has no plans to attack NATO or other parts of Europe, and has instead noted that the US-led military bloc has continued to expand towards Russia’s borders.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has also cited Ukraine’s potential accession to NATO as one of the key reasons for launching the military operation against Kiev in February 2022.


The US has contributed billions of dollars to Kiev amid the fighting with Russia, in order to fund its armed forces as well as the functioning of its government. However, future support is in doubt as the US Congress has been gridlocked for several weeks over Biden’s Ukraine and Israel spending package.


Republicans have insisted that they will only greenlight the bill if Washington boosts spending on the US-Mexico border, and introduces stricter asylum and parole laws in immigration proceedings.


GOP lawmakers have also stressed that their demands are essentially non-negotiable, with Senator John Cornyn stating: “This is not a traditional negotiation, where we expect to come up with a bipartisan compromise on the border. This is a price that has to be paid in order to get the supplemental.”


Republican resistance has been met with sharp criticism from the Democratic Party.Biden has called on Congress to “immediately” resolve the deadlock, stating that failure to support Ukraine would be “absolutely crazy” and “against US interests.”


Elsewhere, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has claimed that opposing the “fight for freedom in Ukraine” would mean letting Putin “prevail.”


Kiev has stressed that it is in desperate need of Washington’s money, with Andrey Yermak, President Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff, warning that delays in US assistance could spell defeat for Ukraine’s forces.


(They’ve already lost! They must need a lot more money to launder,PANIC IN DC!)

Anonymous ID: 4e0b08 Dec. 6, 2023, 10:29 a.m. No.20035218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5321


More Fear Porn

6 Dec, 2023

‘High risk’ of defeat – Zelensky’s top aide

Andrey Yermak has called for more funds for Kiev as Congress remains at loggerheads


President Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff has admitted that there is a “big risk” that Ukraine will lose its conflict with Russia unless the US Congress approves more funding to support Kiev. Andrey Yermak was among a number of Ukrainian officials who “swarmed Washington” ahead of a Senate vote on a White House request for over $100 billion in aid for Kiev, Israel and Taiwan, according to the New York Times.


Republican lawmakers are adamant that they will not approve the spending, unless the Democrats compromise on the issue of southern border security. President Joe Biden called their resistance “crazy” and “totally wrong.”


Yermak made the case for more funding during an appearance at the US Institute of Peace, a Washington-based government-funded think tank.He claimed that his country had inflicted casualties on Russian forces at a ratio of 1:10, (big fat lie) and was capable of defeating it on the battlefield in the long run. However, he admitted that even a delay in the provision of American aid could pose a challenge for Kiev. Such an outcome would “give the big risk that we can be in [the] same position [where] we are located now,” he said, speaking in English, presumably meaning a lack of progress in retaking land from Russia. “Of course, it make with very high possibility impossible to continue liberate and give the big risk to lose this war,” Yermak added.


Zelensky’s chief-of-staff was ostensibly promoting the so-called “peace formula” that was first floated by the Ukrainian president last year. It would involve full control over pre-2014 territories for Kiev, while Russia would pay war reparations and face a tribunal. Moscow has dismissed these demands as detached from reality.


Yermak claimed that helping Ukraine to beat Russia was of strategic importance to the US and its allies. Zelensky himself was scheduled to make a virtual appearance at a closed Senate hearing, during which senior White House officials gave lawmakers a briefing on the importance of appropriations. He canceled at the last moment.

Anonymous ID: 4e0b08 Dec. 6, 2023, 10:36 a.m. No.20035246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5321 >>5403 >>5545 >>5577 >>5583

6 Dec, 2023

Zelensky critic found dead in Russia – media

Former Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva has reportedly been found with a stab wound to his head


The body of a former Ukrainian opposition lawmaker, Ilya Kiva, has been found in Moscow Region, Russian media reported on Wednesday. The politician was known as a staunch critic of President Vladimir Zelensky.


Kiva’s body was reportedly found on the grounds of the ‘Velich Country Club’ hotel near a cottage where he was residing. He was allegedly lying face down in a pool of blood in deep snow, several Russian media outlets reported, citing law enforcement sources. The man suffered a wound to the head according to TASS, citing its source.


Ukrainian military intelligence spokesman, Andrey Yusov, later stated thatUkrainian security services were behind the attack, news outlet 'Strana' reported. Other media claimed that country's domestic security service, the SBU, orchestrated the assault.


Russian officials have not commented on the incident so far.


Kiva was a Ukrainian MP from 2019 to 2022 and a member of the ‘Opposition Platform – For Life’ party, which was officially banned by Kiev in June 2022. Kiva himself was a fierce critic of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and the government’s pro-NATO policies. In a 2022 interview, he slammed the US and NATO for, as he said, using Ukraine as “bait” to provoke Russia into a conflict.


The politician left Ukraine not long before the start of Russian military action in February 2022, moving first to Spain and then to Russia. Ukraine stripped him of his mandate in mid-March 2022, less than a month after the start of Moscow’s operation. Ukrainian law enforcement also charged him with state treason the same month, accusing him of “doing everything” to invite the “Russian aggressors” to the country.


He was eventually sentenced in absentia to 14 years behind bars in Ukraine. In his last social media post, dated Wednesday morning, Kiva accused Zelensky of“drowning the [Ukrainian] people in blood,” adding that fleeing abroad or committing suicide would be the only two options for him since the US Senate has yet to approve a bill to fund further Ukraine military aid.


Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a probe into the murder of the former Ukrainian legislator, the law enforcement agency said in a statement on Wednesday. The committee confirmed the identity of the politician and said he had been killed on Tuesday evening by an unknown assailant, who shot him with a gun. It did not name any suspects in the case and said that all possible avenues of inquiry were being pursued.

Anonymous ID: 4e0b08 Dec. 6, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.20035311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5545 >>5577 >>5583

FBI whistleblower explains the dark “circular model” being used against J6 political prisoners…

December 5, 2023 (2 days ago)


Trust in the FBI has never neen so low, and for good reason. They’re crooked, and they don’t seem to care if you know about it or not.


Who can forget when they targeted Catholic Americans, treating them like domestic terrorists? Today on Capitol Hill, Senator Josh Hawley confronted disgraced FBI Director Christopher Wray about this deeply concerning issue.


Josh Hawley is fed up with Chris Wray:


“You said we do not go to priests and ask them about their parishioners. You said we do not. You didn't say we haven't. You didn't say we won't. You said we don't. It turns out you do."

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) December 5, 2023

In addition, Senator Mike Lee went after Wray for stomping all over American’s Constitutional rights:



"We have a Constitution, sir, and you must comply with it."

WHOA. Senator @BasedMikeLee just went off on FBI Director Christopher Wray about the bureau violating Americans' constitutional rights

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) December 5, 2023


Americans are still reeling from the sketchy 2020 election, fearing that the FBI will once again interject themselves into the narrative, like they did with their involvement regarding the shameful coverup of Hunter’s laptop. Their concerns have proven valid, as President Trump is currently facing federal actions, including unconstitutional raids at his home.


Wray still squirms when asked about it.


Christopher Wray squirms when asked about his role in the raid on President Trump's Mar-A-Lago

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 9, 2023

All of these developments and more have left many Americans disgusted with the FBI, as it often seems more like an extension of the ruling regime, resembling KGB enforcers rather than dedicated law enforcement officers.



A substantial majority of voters are concerned about FBI interference in a future presidential election, with a similar number saying the agency needs wide-ranging reform.


According to a new poll by Harvard CAPS-Harris, 70% of respondents said that they were either very or somewhat concerned about interference by the FBI and other intelligence agencies in elections. Further, 71% agreed that changes post-2016 had not done enough to prevent further interference and that “wide-ranging” reform was still required.


But as grim as we initially believed it to be, the reality is even more horrifying, particularly in the case of the January 6th political prisoners.

FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin recently joined Donald Trump Jr. to shed light on the bureau’s activities and tactics employed against January 6 political prisoners. Kyle refers to it as the”circle model,” likening it to the strategies used against known terrorists. This revelation exposes that the FBI is applying counter-terrorism methods to individuals who were mostly non-violent, law-abiding, patriotic Americans rightfully concerned about the integrity of a very sketchy national election.


His recent conversation with Don Jr. is a chilling revelation of what’s truly transpiring behind the scenes.

We knew the FBI abuses were bad

But somehow it’s even worse than we thought:


How does it all work? Whistleblower @KyleSeraphintakes you behind the scenes step by step – and it will shock your conscience— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 5, 2023


At this point, the FBI is deeply compromised, with a troubling history of misconduct and a lack of transparency. It seems like there’s too much corruption within its ranks and too many unresolved issues to salvage them. The entire bureau should either undergo a thorough overhaul or be replaced with something more accountable, something that hasn’t been politically weaponized by any party. Anything less than this would be a disservice to the American people.