Anonymous ID: 9c6d4f Dec. 6, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.20035480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5496

How Publishers & Others Create Limited Hangouts in Publishing and Architecture

Mark Attwood & Friends LIVE on YT 5th Dec 23

The part on publishing starts around 45 minutes in. As someone who's self-published, found it right on the money.


Authors Abby Wynne and Gillian@mystichealing talked at one point with host Mark Attwood on YT about how publishers attempt to limit the topics they cover. ~ 45:30


Two books by Abby were published by HAY HOUSE, which puts out innovative books but still tries to push author in certain directions and away from others. She wanted a LION on the book cover because it takes COURAGE to do inner work, all she got was a "pathetic little bird." They did not want her to discuss "victim mentality," saying that Americans don't like that. She refused to follow their advice and they backed down.


Attword observed that this is how the PUBLISHING INDUSTRY creates limited hangouts – by telling authors, “you can talk about this, not that.” '~50:10: "That's been their modus operandi forever…Limited hangouts are the KEY to the control system - you give some of the information but you don't give it all." ''


At ~58:30, Attwood talks about how the same impulse shows up in the modern "reformation" movement in Great Britain architecture after WW2: in the New Town Movement [a gov’t effort to implement socialist ideas via the use of socialist architecture]. Refers to Milton-Keynes as one example of “souless” town" created that way. Said to google “mark III new town” . MK is a Mark 3 New Town. "

(Notice the MK initials - he talked a lot about MKU conditioning: "All part of social engineering Tavistock bullshit.")



They then talk about THE POWER OF MEMES to break through the narrative. TOP KEK!


At ~1:03, Gillian talks about how publishers use the editing process to TRAIN AUTHORS to change what they write. Says they do the same thing in live shows - they direct the narrative so you say what they want you to.

Abby: "We have to push it back."

Anonymous ID: 9c6d4f Dec. 6, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.20035496   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The new town movement, originated in Britain in the ideas of [Ebenezer] Howard, was active in successfully implementing two new towns on a cooperative basis, Letchworth and Welwyn. These ideas became important on the Continent when the new town movement continued on a wider scale, mostly with government initiative.



'''On 23 January 1967, when the formal "new town designation order" was made,[1] the area to be developed was largely farmland and undeveloped villages. The site was deliberately located equidistant from London, Birmingham, Leicester, Oxford, and Cambridge,[18][19] with the intention that it would be self-sustaining and eventually become a major regional centre in its own right.’’’[8]Planning control was taken from elected local authorities and delegated to the Milton Keynes Development Corporation (MKDC). …

‘’’The corporation's strongly modernist designs were regularly featured in the magazines Architectural Design and the Architects' Journal.[21][22][23]….

Central Milton Keynes ("CMK") was not intended to be a traditional town centre but a central business and shopping districtto supplement local centres embedded in most of the grid squares.[29] This non-hierarchical devolved city plan was a departure from the English new towns tradition and envisaged a wide range of industry and diversity of housing styles and tenures.[30]


Sterile or stirring? Britain's love-hate relationship with new towns - May 2019

Paternalistic social engineering or make-Britain-great-again utopianism? A new archive film compilation takes a look at the UK’s controversial postwar towns


When I lived in London for about a year, I noticed the stark difference between traditional buildings and the modern monstrocities built sometime after WW2. Social engineering via the normalization of ugly, dysfunctional buildings, the same kind seen in Iron Curtain countries.

Anonymous ID: 9c6d4f Dec. 6, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.20035560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5607


Who cares what race you are? You can't claim superiority simply by being a certain race - or be accused of inferiority for the same reason. Discussions on race only cause division.

Anonymous ID: 9c6d4f Dec. 6, 2023, 12:50 p.m. No.20035785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5801 >>5807 >>5879

this is really funny

i go to find out how to handle cast iron pans on a glass stove

and what do I find?


made an mp4, just happens to be 17 seconds long ha ha ha…..

just can't get away from Q!

Anonymous ID: 9c6d4f Dec. 6, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.20035800   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the management were clowns from the start

This is a chan.

It's a lot like the Mos Eisley Cantina.

Anyone can post here - and does.

Easy to say mgmt are clowns.

Easy to say there are lots of shills too.