Anonymous ID: 3e9b5b Dec. 6, 2023, 7:31 p.m. No.20037504   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7527 >>7559 >>7773 >>7977 >>8119 >>8188 >>8228 >>8275

I can’t download videos from twitter because the never works, but you have to listen to this. Or some anon download it.


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


VIVEK: Chris, do everybody a favor, walk off this stage, have a nice meal, and get out of the race


Anyone else having problem with volume on twitter videos?

Anonymous ID: 3e9b5b Dec. 6, 2023, 7:38 p.m. No.20037545   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7555 >>7773 >>7977 >>8119 >>8228 >>8275

New Title:“Don’t go woke Jack, you will go broke!” Hit the road Jack and don’t you come back no more!


New: Jack Smith just filed a motion describing the evidence he plans to use in Trump's J6 trial in DC.


It's like reading the J6 Committee TV script:


  • Historical Evidence of the Defendant’s Consistent Plan of Baselessly Claiming Election Fraud


  • Historical Evidence of the Defendant’s Common Plan to Refuse to Commit to a Peaceful Transition of Power


  • Evidence of the Defendant and Co-Conspirators’ Knowledge of the Unfavorable Election Results and Motive and Intent to Subvert Them


  • Pre- and Post-Conspiracy Evidence That the Defendant and Co-Conspirators Suppressed Proof Their Fraud Claims Were False and Retaliated Against Officials Who Undermined Their Criminal Plans


  • Pre- and Post-Conspiracy Evidence of the Defendant’s Public Attacks on Individuals, Encouragement of Violence, and Knowledge of the Foreseeable Consequences


  • Post-Conspiracy Evidence of the Defendant’s Steadfast Support and Endorsement of Rioters

The motion is stunning in its level of sophistry, demagoguery, and hypocrisy.


The same DOJ that concocted the Trump-Russia election collusion hoax in 2016 to derail his candidacy/presidency now claims Trump tried to undermine the transition of power that year.

Smith cites Trump's recent comments about excessive sentences for Proud Boys and promises to pardon J6ers as evidence he supported the "riot."


Smith will use proposed pardon to impeach credibility of defense witnesses, esp anyone tied to Jan 6.

Important to note: On Monday, Rudy Giuliani will stand trial by jury in DC under the glaring eye of Judge Beryl Howell in defamation lawsuit filed by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.


Certain conviction and awarded damages will help Smith's case, which is why he included it here: