Anonymous ID: 8fafca Dec. 6, 2023, 7:57 p.m. No.20037633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7682


It's funny how those that relentlessly push "It's the Jews" are the ones who display the very degenerate and evil actions that they accuse an entire ethnicity of. Quite a glaring contradiction in the logic of the accuser and the behavior of the accuser, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous ID: 8fafca Dec. 6, 2023, 8:25 p.m. No.20037752   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Uses the word guud

>attacks Anons rather than shills

>whines about a BV removing malicious MuhJoo spam, not actual news or truth about Jews.

>whines about an Anon being here all day while he does the same

>mimics an Anon because the Anon declared war on shills, as he said

>uses the same vocabulary as Tranimae, and claimed at the start of his crusade that his target took down that persona, thus establishing motive

>claimed that clowns mostly control the bakes, but not completely

You fool no one. You had to announce your intentions before you enacted them, which it is known what evil cabal bastards do. Like I said before: You're getting sloppy. You need multiple devices, personas, and VPNs while your target doesn't. Sleep well tonight, clown.