Anonymous ID: ba6817 Dec. 6, 2023, 10:15 p.m. No.20038191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8201



agree with the DNA aspect.. actual information (code) can be encoded in our biological DNA - what does that tell you? Are we digital beings already?

I think Q literally means this is Biblical. Apocalypse. Meaning THE GREAT AWAKENING. ie. The Destruction of the Old Guard.

The very nature of our world, our reality, is going to be shaken, and only 4-6% will not be able to accept it by the time it comes - so the juicy stuff is still years away (the "magic" stuff). Pray for the 4-6% to find their way.

I believe we will eventually learn:

WHO we are..

WHERE we came from..

OUR ancestors, OUR history..

The FLOOD(S)..

The 26,000 year cycle..

Of note, the Twin Eclipses that will make an X over the USA (8/21/2017, next is 4/8/2024!) - St Louis, the GATEWAY Arch [keystone] is where they intersect. The first was 7 months after DJT's first full day as President, the 2nd is coming in 5 months. Q showed up a little over 2 months after the first to officially tell the world we had won. The eclipse signified the beginning of the reveal, and I'm hoping that the 2nd one in April will signify the conclusion of the reveal. THEN WILL COME JUSTICE.

You can call the astrology hogwash, but.. they believe it and ritualize it, so there is something about the movement of the bodies above us that is important.

We are right now in the transition period into the Age of Aquarius, out the 2100 year cycle of Pisces constellation, and into the new 2100 year cycle of Aquarius - it's not woowooshit from the 60/70s. It takes approx. 26,000 years for the Constellations to make a full rotation above us in the sky. Every ~12,000 years there has been some sort of destruction to this "world" that resets things. Then come the gods back to woo us and "teach" (corrupt) us, then we turn into self-destructive narcissistic evil assholes, and "God" (the creator, the universe) comes to wipe us out again. There is something to the MATH of the great cycles of our "universe" that is too perfect to be a coincidence. And even more "coincidences" appear when you start studying gematria and kabbalah.

Unfortunately for them, THEIR history will also be revealed, and their "gods" that they worship, "real" or conjured by their thoughts…it doesn't matter. If THEY believe it, then it's real and they are likely manifesting the evil with their intentions. This awakening will reveal their ancient rituals and pagan traditions they still perform out of reverence for their "gods". The truth about the children is what will unite us all and turn hearts toward God.

There is much that has been hidden from us, no question about it.

Not just their pedo and satanic nature..but who/what they are.. and who/what WE are.

The Quantum universe makes anything possible.

Gotta expand your thinking, like Q said, allowing for any possibility to exist at any time. There is no time, anyway, it's a construct of the reality ("matrix") they built for us. It's not unbelievable to me that we are plugged into a computer simulation that is far advanced than what we can see today. Think about how "real" it feels to put on a VR headset. Your brain doesn't know the difference and your body actually feels things that aren't real.

I don't know what the nature of our universe is, but I do know that it's not what we think, and each of us is a powerful being in our own right, and our thoughts/intentions change the "reality" we live in. This is why they dumb us down and distract us and tell us resources are scarce. We live in a terrarium called earth where we are herded like cows, providing sustenance for them to thrive. Free enough not to revolt, but not actually free due to the mental prison we are put in since birth. Like bees and the beekeepers, per the Rothschild poster from the early 2010s.

Once we all go though The Great Awakening, it will bring Ascension, or the ability to perceive additional input/stimulus around us - OR the great unplugging, and thereby bring the long coveted peace. When we understand, we will cease to fight amongst ourselves and there will either be true peace, or we will turn our sights at evil wherever else it lurks in the universe and destroy it there too.

Think about it: WHAT IS REAL?

The Next Enlightenment is in progress, never attempted before at this scale, and it's called The Great Awakening. MILCIV alliance.

o7 frens, we fight on til death (but onward through our children) or ascension - which ever comes first