Anonymous ID: e8f5b4 Dec. 6, 2023, 11:35 p.m. No.20038362   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>If you are going to do something about it, now is the time.


>Our advance units engaged in 2017.


The sentiment is understandable, warranted, and justified. The cognitive dissonance to the fact that 911 was an attack on white conservative Christians took about 2 decades before people woke up to the fact. It wasn't until after people were kneeling and apologizing to BLM rioters that people started to awake. Even with that there is still a large portion of the populace that still do not realize this and are controlled by the cabal MSM narrative and consider MAGA bigots and terrorists. The FBI is to blame in the cover up and motives of 911 as they are to the anti-white sentiment. I warned after 911 since day one what was going on and what was going to happen. Even when I warned that the fake pandemic, riots, and distributed toxic vaccines were imminent 75 days beforehand, it was to hard to accept.


Here is another one that so far is still not taken seriously and that is is that chemical saboteurs are the number one cause of disease, disabilities, and deaths throughout the world. It is a cabal tactic that is as old as specialized children's hospitals back when the rat pack was doing donation drives.