sup smoking pee pee buddy. Still eating your BV handlers ass holes I see?
The same echo chamber shills here day in day out. The same echo chamber shill gatekeeper bakers. The same echo chamber board personality hall monitor shills. All exposed by a single anon.
A single anon.
You're going to need a better deflection than that to disprove the obvious proof all around you.
Lurk moar.
Fuck off namefag antisemitic shill. God bless Jews worldwide.
God bless all my Jewish brothers and sisters worldwide. End the ethnic accusations, this day and forever.
Those aren't real jews like me faggot. All satanists pretending to be jews so everybody hates jews instead of satanists. Khazarian mafia been doing that for thousands of years. But you already knew that divisionfag namefag shill.
NO REAL JEW would harm anyone else. That's all the proof you need antisemite jew hater. I bet you hate Ben Shapiro you damn jew hater
"If you can't see your dick, you need to lose weight." - Smoking pee peefucious