Anonymous ID: d62b01 Dec. 7, 2023, 7:39 a.m. No.20039530   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9559 >>9569



You are a bunch of assholes who enjoy watching someone be mentally torn apart. She's way out of control. You are the ones that made her, FIX HER.


Jesus Christ would have given up by now and converted to Evil had he married her. He would have nailed himself to the fucking cross, may she was around back then and that's what happened. No Pontious, no Barabas, just her three nails and a cross was all it took


This isn't funny. This isn't entertaining. This is sick on your part. Either do away with her or fix her, I can't go on with her as broken as she is.


If this is part of the great plan, you can shove her up your ass. I will find who is responsible. No more. What you are doing to me is beyond cruel and will not go unanswered.


FIX HER YOU Son of a Bitches. You complete worthless incompetent assholes. This isn't me talking, this is the end of the road me talking.


Find a way to make me happy, you do want me happy. This isn't me being happy.

Anonymous ID: d62b01 Dec. 7, 2023, 8:09 a.m. No.20039664   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9680 >>9704

To the assholes that watch me suffer. May a thousand camels piss one by one in your mouth while you try to sleep. Torment and misery will be your companions.


You are all assholes that watch and do nothing to help. Pull your phone out and video instead of really helping. May your pubic hair turn green and foul with stench.


If this is a game you find enjoyable, just remember that I'm still a human and deserve compassion. my life has been lived for you all. this isn't a good way to treat me.

Anonymous ID: d62b01 Dec. 7, 2023, 8:32 a.m. No.20039769   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9874

What are you doing to me? Why must you be on the sidelines watching me suffer? It's like playing Russian roulette but you aren't holding the gun.


Soon, if this continues and my world is worthless, petty, and vindictive isn't my nature. With practice, it can be.

Anonymous ID: d62b01 Dec. 7, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.20039788   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9793 >>9803

Send me an angel. Send me someone who knows me. Desperation. If I can't talk to someone I'm going to go insane. I need help. I cannot do this alone.


help me. help me. find a way to send me help. no one is looking for me, or gives a shit that I've returned. There was an initial spark, but that's long faded.


help me, help me, help me. I'm doing a human s.o.s. Keyword: Get me the fuck out of this situation.

Anonymous ID: d62b01 Dec. 7, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.20039962   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

It's the little things that will make your life a living hell. To the person responsible for the situation I am facing, since I'm the boss, I'll create a world where you get to live the same way I did. YOU will enjoy all the aspects of the person you created for me. Mental health is no laughing matter, and I'll make sure you have none when I'm finished. You'll be begging for peace and a way out, it won't be there for you. Every time here on out that I have to deal with a multiple personality person, you will face the brunt.


If this isn't fixed today, right now, this moment, if something isn't better by the next time I see her, I'll make it my life's work to turn you into human mental jelly.


Done. Saccabat, finished, fin, the end. Find a way, and I do not give two shits how drastically find a way to make me whole again. To make my DNA glow like it should. The fuckers responsible will not walk away.

Anonymous ID: d62b01 Dec. 7, 2023, 9:44 a.m. No.20040053   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Seriously fix the situation.

please fix it. solve it. cure it. I cannot go on like this.


Whatever it takes to make me happy once more, do that. Find a way to bring peace and love back into my life, back into my being. The fact that I'm becoming cold and impatient is bothersome. Never have I wished harm on someone, I feel being human is harmful enough. What is happening is next level cruel. Love, then hate. Hate, then love. Black, white. Blue, black. White, zebra pattern. If anyone if enjoying this I'll find you, if this is my creation, and it seems to be just that.


Is going crazy a good or bad thing? Bad is the answer because crazy is crazy no matter the face or situation.


Have you lived with 12 different women? 8 of them hate you with a passion, the other 4 are over the moon with you in love. Sometimes 8 are in love and 4 hate. Sometimes all are in love, but the one brings back hate. She hates her father and her ex-boyfriend as they call caused massive damage to her brain emotionally. Classic Dissociative Identity Disorder. You have her mind and it's broken, it can't stay on one channel any longer, it changes for no reason. It's like a roulette wheel that spins on its own and drops the ball randomly, I never know what I'll get. Because someone on your team fucked up, I'm now living a nightmare. Who's running her? Take a good long look at that person, stare at them, analyze them, and take a picture of them, because when I'm finished that person won't be the same mentally or emotionally.


Maybe I'll never meet the person, but I have a feeling I will.

Anonymous ID: d62b01 Dec. 7, 2023, 10:01 a.m. No.20040134   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

There aren't words in English to tell you how much pain I'm in, and someone on your team is the cause of it. My focus will be on the person responsible. You can sway world opinion, you can fix this. Mentally I'm so done with this problem. You expect me to be fair, I'll be fair when this is fixed.


Every moment I'm dealing with an erratic person, I'll be focusing my frustration on the person running the show called my life. Mason brothers, expose the problem and make sure the problem is taken care of. Really if you have to blow up the moon, I do not care, as long as the problem is fixed. Do what you need to do.


Imagine a person laughing and loving one second, evil, yelling and hateful the next, and so on. Imagine a Dog that runs up and kisses you on second, next is biting your face and attacking you. And the cycle repeats erratically, to the point where you don't know if you'll be kissed or bit or killed. Random, illogical, and without reason this happens. Someone there is controlling it, making it happen. Give me a break and fix the problem. If the problem is fixed today, I'll show mercy in my judgment, heaven help you if it's not, and your life will be hell, and trust me, I'm the tour guide of hell.


Mad, I'm not mad. Heartbroken and unloved is what I am, Loved and heartbroken, heartbroken and hated, hated and loved, despised and loved.


fix the problem before it fixes me.