Anonymous ID: fa6d88 Dec. 7, 2023, 7:40 a.m. No.20039540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552 >>9590

>>20038286 lb

>>20038287 lb

Not trying to convince.

Just sharing info

answering challenges.

It occurred to me by going over the irrefutable material, collected and studied over a long period of time; including being alive and fairly old in '69…so personally witnessed, for instance, the fact there was an interruption in the middle of it.

Occurred to me this was just another one of their Propaganda "Events" as was made "legal", (retroactively) allegedly by Barry. In the Smith-Mundt catagory

However, the deep state was doing that sort of thing for a very very long time before Barry. And had already killed Kennedy and his brother and controlled the news of that,

I guess they needed a "feel good" after the trifecta of assassinations?

Think of this:

USA was hijacked, definitely by 1963, the Fall Nov. 22nd?

and probably way before.

A grandfather of mine was quoted in a paper around the turn of the 19th c. to say that considering all the corruption he witnessed in his lifetime (spanned the entire century) he didn't believe the Republic would make it 50 years.

Well, we didnt. Maybe he was off by ten years, dunno?

Not sure what I consider the bigger and greatest crime of those who infiltrated our Republic?


Bribing POTUS Wilson , blackmailing him to achieve control and ownership of the American Central Bank.-for nothing, given "free".and staging the Titanic disaster to take attention away and do away with critics or give them historic escape from family responsibility for some who knew what was going down? (I believe Astor was a faked death) ; And right along with that, the creation of the "Federal Secret Police" FBI through subterfuge and circumventing Congress.

After all that, everything else has been just gravy for them.

Massive mind control and social engineering; Found out the killing of JFK was also important to their clique to enable their invading a few countries to rip -off mining assets.

It would be reallly long to catalog all their crimes.

Commandeering of the information sources (and the 9/11 and the alleged Moon Landing fit in right there.) to enable their actions to be invisible, unopposed and supported.

It's all of a piece. There's not one stand-out necessarily? It's like a cancer, throughout the whole body politic.

Trump is correct FakeNews is very important, the most important, to their actions and abilities.

I turned a loyal Trump supporter, and was elated, the moment I heard him call out the FakeNews. Then I knew he was real.

They consider us stupid and animals, as "Q mentioned.

They think stuff like the faked moon landing is funny; and shows how smart they are compared with us.

(That could be why they do such a poor job - 9/11 attack included? The worse the set-up the funnier it is, for them, when people swallow it. They're sadist and narcissit, love to show off.)

Isn't ridiculous openly pedo Biden a perfect proof of that? They think it's funny. They like to humiliate.

Trump is kind.

Trump backs up the moon-landing (such as it is) for purposes of instilling Patriotism and Pride in Country, which I udnerstand and forgive.

The full burden of all that has happened and what has been done can make someone like me, following it all with an hopeful strange trust that it will all be corrected in time, and working hard to that end..could make me cry. Can't imagine for people who have zero stamina. I seen people go into fear-shock over info regarding attack of 9/11. They shut-down and can't process.

Seeing the same thing with the "vaccine" Eugenics op. People are unable to grasp it, though right in front of them.

Anonymous ID: fa6d88 Dec. 7, 2023, 7:51 a.m. No.20039590   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Strange what these evil people Deep State shadow actors, do to innocence. I guess that's their point.

Deep State cabal champion evil. That's why they bitterly hate Trump.

Thats why the hater on here every day (pretend guardian) spammer, the hate-cat shill (who claims it can't be id'd by that.. Dumb) constantly pesters the "America Winning" Cat.

They can't help themselves.

They believe we are stupid and work from there. And of course will always use their tried and true, 'by the book' PROJECTION

"You're an egotist"

(on an anon board… DUMB)

see projection with the:

("Trump is a dictator, wants to take away your rights")

Shill even admitted it hated "cat" because shill hates America.

It's acceptable in ANTIFA crowd, in fact required, to hate America.. Also among Marxist, needless to say.

People need to be educated again, to love our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

These maniacs have no religion but Satanism, the worship of evil, destruction, and death in the "name" of Freedom.

That's why the shillfags are so bitter their spam and dumb redundancy gets erased. Oh my, it's their "freedom" to fuck with us.

but try for any of us to get on a "accepted" platform!

Once it's gone it doesn't come back. People from communist / totalitarian countries have told the sad tale.

Our beautiful system and miraculous history is why the evil people were attracted here, to use USA as their cover.

Perfect Cover. God-given system of checks and balances, which the creepies despise, driven to destory us by their own nature which abhors goodness.

Only thing Dubya ever said that was true, that I know of "They hate us for our freedoms"

Many of the little guys in their Hate-America movement are just victims of Propaganda. But they imitate their overlords.

The ones coming in from overseas? Yes, been trained to hate America.

The enemies of our Repubulic, with the "Big Idea" (to quote H.W. Bush (likely with NAZI heritage)), for a "New World Order" of their 'full spectrum" dominence over the planet;

by necessity need to subjugate Americans - who have a tradition of individual freedom and rights, which could never jive with their plans.

They've softened us up for a very long time; now are coming in for the Coup d'Gras.

Unfortunate for them, POTUS DJTrump got in their way. America Winning.





unfortunate, but the story of Pearl Harbor isn't what we're commonly told either.


We've got to uncover the idiots who started these wars for their own projects / gain.

Not a "conspiracy theory" too many coincidences by now.

tighten the sails.

The real Trump deranged believe in their own mania to such an extent that they believe / imagne Trump has erased all the evidence of his massive crimes, via blackmail?

That's how con artists (fake media) work. They use suggestion, then the subject paints in their own picture, san facts, san reality, san evidence.

Wouldn't that be the FBI though? blackmailing to cover up their crimes?

Perfect projection.




Why do you hate America?

(I'm proved by insta shill once again.

They don't realize their shilling outs them

Why are they even here?

Two possibiliteis

1 . Pedo sadists themselves and love to fuck with us

2 . paid


Shill also need to run defense for the crooks who stole the election

They've got no facts.

All they've got is intimidation and when that fails violence…

Which Gaetz has warned us of yesterday.

Make no mistake their verbal violence against use here, is very real and very serious.

It proves who they are.

Projection because they are losing)

Anonymous ID: fa6d88 Dec. 7, 2023, 8:14 a.m. No.20039686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

hillfags are so bitter and angry when their spam and dumb redundancy gets erased. Oh my, it's shills "freedom" to fuck with us and attempt a mind-control op right in our own "safe space"



but try for any of us to get on an "accepted" platform to say anything? !

And if we do by chance get on there, for a day or two or three.

The same maniac accounts/shill will fuck with us there too


(no I'm not "tranime") kekek


maybe a leftist shill was banned on twit, once? Now with Elon there?

When will he get rid of the bots.

He's got a mutiny going? Is that it?

"has to rebuild from square one scratch" is what I heard.

Well, he's a builder? right?

Funny but he gave away the brand, which may have been the most valuable part of the asset (not counting the private messaging, which he can't use that easily for $$$$.

Anonymous ID: fa6d88 Dec. 7, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.20039766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9821 >>9844


good post, thanks for saving it

YouTube is cancer and has been so for a while.

total spy platform

Any decent political commentary gets demonitized and removed. And/or relegated to a back water where it never gets any views.

Remember Trump?

"It's the outsider who is the vector of change"

This is why Musk's "let's keep out the extremes" misses the whole point of free speech.

Remember when

The Internet was moderately more free, and therefore so much more interesting?



Always screen shot your best posts!