Anonymous ID: 65af6f Dec. 8, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.20045051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5064 >>5106 >>5163 >>5272 >>5286

Breaking Market News




[Keep in mind, there are only 24 members to the Primary Dealer list, all the rest of the participants are Money Market Funds, a very healthy thing indeed!]

Anonymous ID: 65af6f Dec. 8, 2023, 10:26 a.m. No.20045073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


7 hours ago

Latest on the clot shot:


Here’s the simple version: the researchers discovered that a necessary ingredient in the mRNA vaccines (1-methylpseudouridine) has an unfortunate side-effect: it messes up RNA translation one-third of the time by slipping a gear every so often. Instead of making the intended spike protein, these tiny mistranslational slip-ups create … other things. Other kinds of proteins. New ones.


And there’s no way at all to predict what kind of protein it will create. It’s stochastic (completely random).


The ‘vaccine’ creates stochastic proteins one third of the time. In one-third of cells, not people, like the Telegraph again mis-reported. There are trillions of mRNA packages in each shot. So — unless I’m missing something — what the study is saying, without actually saying it, is that this is happening inside every single jab recipient.


And it’s happening a lot.


Now, you know I hate to sound negative, but I’m guessing there would have been a lot more vaccine hesitancy had people known that trillions of their cells would soon randomly be creating bizarre, novel proteins, and for an indeterminate and possibly long time.

Anonymous ID: 65af6f Dec. 8, 2023, 10:48 a.m. No.20045151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5286

And from the gloomy swamp mist, a pattern emerges…..


French far-right leader Marine Le Pen to stand trial over alleged misuse of EU funds

Dec 8th, 12:26:31


PARIS (PiQSuite.Com) - French far-right leader Marine Le Pen will stand trial alongside 27 others over alleged misuse of EU funds, the Paris prosecutor's office said on Friday, confirming French media reports, charges that Le Pen's party said it contested.


The total of 28 defendants will be brought to court, including Le Pen and her father Jean-Marie, the office said.


An initial pre-trial hearing scheduled for March 27 next year will be followed by more in-depth hearing during October and November. … f-eu-funds

Anonymous ID: 65af6f Dec. 8, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.20045251   🗄️.is 🔗kun



ReverseRepo funds nothing, since it is removing cash from institutions and planting securities at same, overnight. It's a Fed tool to REMOVE excess liquidity from the financial system, and IN NO WAY SUPPLIES ANYTHING. Do not tag that headline with bad opinion from another Anon, Bakes. Thanks. Have enough trouble with the daily bad ZH "Hot Takes" on a similar slant.


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