Anonymous ID: 7595e2 Dec. 8, 2023, 10:36 a.m. No.20045120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5286

Prominent Rabbi Resigns from Harvard’s Antisemitism Board After School President’s Embarrassing Testimony


Rabbi David Wolpe announced his resignation from Harvard’s antisemitism board this week after Harvard University President Dr. Claudine Gay’s disastrous and embarrassing testimony on Capital Hill.


Wolpe, the only Rabbi on the board, described Gay’s appearance as “painfully inadequate testimony.”


Rabbi Wolpe, delivered his message on X, offering a “Hanukkah message” ahead of the Jewish holiday.


His message reads:


Resigning, a Hanukkah Message: As of today I have resigned from the antisemitism advisory committee at Harvard. Without rehashing all of the obvious reasons that have been endlessly adumbrated online, and with great respect for the members of the committee, the short explanation is that both events on campus and the painfully inadequate testimony reinforced the idea that I cannot make the sort of difference I had hoped. Still, there are several points worth making. I believe Claudine Gay to be both a kind and thoughtful person. Most of the students here wish only to get an education and a job, not prosecute ideological agendas, and there are many, many honorable, thoughtful and good people at the institution. Harvard is still a repository of extraordinary minds and important research.

Anonymous ID: 7595e2 Dec. 8, 2023, 10:42 a.m. No.20045132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5286

US-Israel Rift Over Civilian Casualties Intensifies As 'King Bibi' Doubles Down


With the 2024 election fast approaching and Democrat support for Israel's war on Hamas waning, the Biden administration - which is also trying to sell Congress on handing $14.3 billion in aid to Israel - has been ratcheting up pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to minimize civilian casualties, recognize and work with the Palestinian Authority, resume peace talks, and commit to not reoccupying Gaza.


The chances of that happening are virtually nil, however, as Netanyahu's government has made clear that Israel plans to destroy Hamas, retain an open-ended security presence in Gaza, impose a buffer zone to keep Palestinians away from the border, and never recognize the Palestinian Authority.


Despite the clear differences in vision for an endgame to this conflict, Israel knows the Biden administration is nothing more than a paper tiger in a dog mask, despite some 16,000 civilians reported dead by Gaza health authorities.


As the Washington Times notes;


But as the death toll in Gaza continues to rise, conditions deteriorate, and Biden enters an election year with significant portions of his Democratic base pushing for an end to Israel’s offensive, these differences are likely to grow in the absence of a clear endgame.


Shavit said that tensions could rise if the U.S. at some point concludes that Israel is dragging its feet or ignoring American demands. But for now, “the Americans want Israel to succeed,” he said.


Daniel Levy, a former Israeli peace negotiator who is president of the U.S./Middle East Project, a policy institute that studies the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said the Americans are unlikely to put their foot down.


He cited what he described as a tepid American response to heavy civilian casualties in southern Gaza as an indicator of what lies ahead.


“Israelis have a sense that their road to run is not endless, but they still feel they have lots of road to run,” he said.


As we noted over the weekend, Biden's Defense Secretary, former Raytheon board member Lloyd Austin warned that Israel needs to be careful about civilian deaths.

Anonymous ID: 7595e2 Dec. 8, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.20045144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5162 >>5286

US State Department used taxpayer funds to back censorship firms that target conservative media outlets: Lawsuit


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the Daily Wire, and the Federalist filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State for using taxpayer funds to back censorship firms that target conservative-leaning media outlets. The lawsuit also named Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and several other federal government officials.


Paxton and the media outlets accused the State Department of committing “one of the most egregious government operations to censor the American press in the history of the nation.”


Through the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, the federal government is “actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavored press outlets unprofitable by funding the infrastructure, development, and marketing and promotion of censorship technology and private censorship enterprises to covertly suppress speech of a segment of the American press,” the complaint claimed.


The lawsuit accused Biden’s State Department of violating First Amendment rights and “tarring disfavored domestic news organizations as purveyors of ‘disinformation.’”


The department used taxpayer funds to back NewsGuard and the Global Disinformation Index, which have used their “fact-checking” platforms to starve right-leaning media outlets “of advertising revenue and reducing the circulation of their reporting and speech,” the lawsuit claimed.


In 2022, the GDI published the “Disinformation Risk Assessment,” which ranked conservative outlets as unreliable. The top 10 “riskiest” outlets included the American Spectator, Newsmax, the Federalist, the American Conservative, OAN, Blaze Media, the Daily Wire, RealClearPolitics, Reason, and the New York Post.


The top ten “least risky” list favored left-leaning media outlets such as NPR, the Associated Press, the New York Times, ProPublica, Insider, USA Today, the Washington Post, HuffPost, BuzzFeed News, and the Wall Street Journal.


The lawsuit stated that NewsGuard and the GDI “generate blacklists of ostensibly risky or unreliable American news outlets for the purpose of discrediting and demonetizing the disfavored press and redirecting money and audiences to news organization that publish favored viewpoints.”


A NewsGuard spokesperson told the New York Post that several conservative-leaning outlets are ranked as more reliable than their left-leaning counterparts. The spokesperson noted that Reason has “perfect 100/100 scores from NewsGuard.”


The lawsuit “inaccurately portrays” NewsGuard’s relationship with the State Department, the spokesperson told the Post.


“NewsGuard does not offer any technology that censors or blocks any content, or that blocks ads on content,” the spokesperson continued. “Instead, we provide information — our assessments of sites — so that our clients can decide for themselves where to place their ads or which content to amplify, and each client decides for themselves how to use that data.”


The State Department stated that it cannot comment on pending litigation, the Post reported.


The Federalist’s editor in chief, Mollie Hemingway, told Fox News, “What the suit shows is that the State Department was engaged in setting up, funding, marketing, promoting, and continuing to work with these private companies that are engaged in censorship of speech.”


“They privilege left-wing media outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post; they helped advertisers meet those people.


The Federalist told the Post that its “lawsuit seeks to halt the State Department’s ultra vires and unconstitutional censorship scheme.”

Anonymous ID: 7595e2 Dec. 8, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.20045165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5286

Many Countries Want Israel To Give Up The Golan Heights, Where A Cheney And Rothschild Company Drilled For Oil Under Netanyahu


What Is Genie Energy?


Many countries want Israel to give up its possession of the Golan Heights, a territory that many people feel actually belongs to the country of Syria. The United Nations General Assembly ratified a resolution calling for Israel to give up the Golan Heights, and the resolution passed with 91 Yes votes and only 8 No votes, with 61 abstentions.

The BRICS superpowers Russia, China, India, and Brazil all voted for Israel leaving the Golan Heights. This puts BRICS at odds with the Israel-supporting United States and the United Kingdom, which voted against the resolution but failed to stop it. Yet again, the United States of America’s subservient relationship to Israel could result in further diplomatic alienation for the USA under Joe Biden.


Israel is effectively at war against Syria in part over Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights. Nevertheless, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Zionist nation-state is clinging to its ownership of the region.


Previously, Benjamin Netanyahu allowed Genie Energy, a company affiliated with Dick Cheney, to exclusively drill in the Golan Heights. Jacob Rothschild of the infamous Rothschild banking dynasty and Rupert Murdoch invested in Genie Energy. Genie reportedly stopped drilling in the Golan Heights in 2017, but it’s possible that Netanyahu could allow Genie to drill for oil there again in the future.


Vision Magazine wrote in 2019: “It had been reported by the Financial Times in February 2013 that Israel’s Netanyahu-led government granted an American company the first license to explore for oil and gas on the Golan Heights. A local subsidiary of the New York-listed Genie Energy company was given exclusive rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights. Genie Energy is advised by former Vice President Dick Cheney and its shareholders include Cheney, media mogul Rupert Murdoch and former CIA director James Woolsey.” (Vision Magazine passage ends)


Israel has a lot of problems on its hands as public sentiment turns sharply against the Zionist nation-state in various parts of the world, especially among younger people.


National File reported: The late Jeffrey Epstein has been accused numerous times of being an Israeli spy. Epstein cavorted with his companion Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of accused Israeli spy Robert Maxwell. As America prepares to possibly send more than $14 billion in new funding for the Zionist state’s war effort against the Palestinians, Jeffrey Epstein is now more relevant than ever. Epstein was accused of being a child sex trafficker and they say he committed suicide in prison, though his suicide is widely disbelieved. “Epstein didn’t kill himself,” according to many truthers on the World Wide Web.


Recently, Tennessee Republican senator Marsha Blackburn squared off with Democrat Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin over Epstein. Blackburn demanded a subpoena for Jeffrey Epstein’s complete flight logs, but Democrat Dick “Dirty” Durbin shut down Blackburn’s quest for truth and refused to hold a vote on Blackburn’s subpoena request. Dick Durbin is a Bill Clinton ally who recently tried to quash the Jeffrey Epstein disclosure movement, claiming “this death was not due to a grand conspiracy.”


RT host Afshin Rattansi interviewed alleged ex-Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe, who claims that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were part of an Israeli intelligence operation to blackmail politicians for Israel’s benefit:


As a side the Golan is also important to Israel as it contains Nimrod's Castle

Anonymous ID: 7595e2 Dec. 8, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.20045174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5187 >>5286

Anti-Socialist Albanians Storm Parliament with Flares, Barricades, and Fires.


The Albanian parliament has been facing significant disruptions as opposition parties protest what they describe as the authoritarian rule of the governing Socialist Party. Disturbances have been ongoing since October, instigated primarily by the center-right Democrats led by former Prime Minister and President Sali Berisha, who has been accused of corruption. Despite such interruptions, which include the use of flares, small fires, and seizure of microphones, the governing Socialists successfully passed the annual budget and other draft laws last Thursday. The protests are rooted in the opposition’s claims that the Socialists, holding 74 out of 140 seats in Parliament, have blocked the formation of committees needed to investigate government corruption. The opposition is particularly critical of the Public Private Partnership projects initiated by Prime Minister Edi Rama’s Cabinet, alleging misuse of public money for personal profit. In the context of pending EU membership negotiations, these disruptions could potentially delay vital law reforms and the alignment of Albanian laws with those of the EU.


Despite their sustained efforts, the center-right Democrats appear to be in a weakened and divided state after ten years in opposition. Berisha, the party’s main leader, remains in legal battle following corruption allegations and has been barred entry into both the United States and the United Kingdom. The governing Socialists, on the other hand, continue to function as usual, noting the approval of the largest ever budget. With no immediate resolution in sight, both sides are reportedly firm in their stance.

Anonymous ID: 7595e2 Dec. 8, 2023, 11:02 a.m. No.20045210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Affirm Israel’s Right to Exist in Writing if You Want German Citizenship, Migrants Told by Saxony


A German state has decreed that migrants seeking to become citizens must formally acknowledge the state of Israel’s right to exist as the country attempts to deal with rising antisemitism.


The application process for citizenship naturalisation in the state of Saxony-Anhalt will now require that foreigners commit in writing “that they recognise Israel’s right to exist and condemn any efforts directed against the existence of the State of Israel.” Those who refuse to do so will not have their applications rejected and a note of their refusal will be logged in their immigration file.


The move was announced this week by the state’s interior minister, Tamara Zieschang, who argued that the policy should be adopted nationwide, German broadcaster Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk reported.


In addition to a formal commitment to Israel’s right to exist, migrants seeking to become citizens in Saxony-Anhalt will also face a process to determine whether or not they hold antisemitic beliefs, which Zieschang argued would violate the German constitution’s requirement to a commitment to a “free, democratic basic order.”


Zieschang, of the centrist Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party urged for the federal government in Berlin to adopt similar measures, with legislation to do so currently being considered in the Bundestag. It is doubtful that the leftist-led ‘traffic light’ coalition government of Olaf Scholz would back the bill, however, particularly given the open borders preferences of the coalition partner Green Party.

Anonymous ID: 7595e2 Dec. 8, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.20045224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prince Constantin Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ Age 51, Says Royal House


His Serene Highness Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein died “unexpectedly” aged 51 this week, the Princely Family of the European nation said.


A statement from the Liechtenstein Fürstenhaus this week revealed the death of His Serene Highness Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein. The youngest son of the present reigning Prince of Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II, Constantin was seventh in line.


No cause of death was given and the family said the death had come “unexpectedly” to the 51 year old European royal and businessman. Radio Liechtenstein reports Constantin had studied law in Germany in the 1990s andwas a member of the Austrian Council for Sustainable Development.


Liechtenstein is presently under two days of national mourning and residents have been asked to fly flags at half-mast, or with a mourning ribbon.


The business arm of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein, of which Constantin was a director, said in their statement that his death was a “terrible shock to all those who knew him” and that they were in deep mourning. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to his widow Princess Marie von und zu Liechtenstein, and their children Moritz, Georgina, and Benedikt”, they said.


At just 62 square miles Liechtenstein is one of the smallest countries in the world and one of the wealthiest, and is one of a handful of European micro-states which survived the wars of unification in the 19th century to remain theoretically independent. Liechtenstein has no military of its own and is in a common economic and currency area with neighbour Switzerland, which defacto acts as a guarantor of its neutrality.

Anonymous ID: 7595e2 Dec. 8, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.20045284   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schools Across U.S. Push Kids To Chatrooms Where They Can Talk Transgenderism With LGBTQ Adults


From Massachusetts to Wisconsin, schools across the United States are directing children to secretive online LGBT chat platforms where minors discuss “gender affirming surgeries,” transgenderism, and even occult practices with adults who identify as LGBT.


At public schools in Massachusetts, for example, administrators pushed youth who identify as LGBTQIA+ to QChat, a secretive platform that aims to provide “chat-based discussion groups for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens ages 13 to 19” and invites participants to join conversations on everything from tarot cards to “queer youth activism” to “sex and relationships,” all without parental permission.


The site, a project of various LGBT activist groups and Planned Parenthood, is even equipped with a “quick escape” button that allows users to swiftly hide their use of the site from parents.


And in Wisconsin, students were guided to TrevorSpace, which similarly allows minors who identify as LGBT to anonymously chat with adults on a platform. The platform, a project of the Trevor Project, has been exposed as a hotspot for graphic conversations about sexual fetishes — adults even reportedly gave minors advice on how to discreetly obtain breast binders and hide the purchase from their parents. Perhaps most disturbing, adults on the platform detailed their masturbation habits in chat rooms that were open to minors.


“Most gender policies in districts are promoted as ‘anti-bullying’ and ‘anti-harassment’ measures, and districts often cite data on mental health and suicidality,” Neily told The Daily Wire. She said her group is working to provide parents with information on where they’re being circumvented by radical gender activists in the schools.


“Parents are emotionally blackmailed into supporting ‘gender-affirming’ care,” Neilly said. “Through our tip line, PDE receives information from across the country, and gender issues are ubiquitous from coast to coast.”