Anonymous ID: 44337e Dec. 8, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.20045429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netflix 'Family Switch' movie contains comms and plans this Christmas for bad actors


Another proof there's something here, apart from the coded talk and rampant symbols… they are telling people watching the movie how to screen grab from a tablet, and zoom in…in the movie.


It appears there is going to be a massive snow 'storm' in at least Southern California (Southland), and likely other areas starting on/around Dec. 22nd, and may be cover for a mass casualty event involving @nthr@x. They've already provided cover for this earlier this year when California had a record snowfall AND the cover story in 2016, attributing an @nthr@x outbreak to 'thawing permafrost'. Scholars believe @nthr@x was very likely one of the BIBLICAL plagues.


If that doesn't get you angry enough. They also gloat about killing JFK. Watch the clip. Slow motion, low voice, represents the ritual, Lady taps her chest (shot to chest), player gets hit in the back (shot to back), then she spits her drink all over the head of the guy in front (arterial spray, shot to head). Oh, the kid in blue that's not paying attention to the game… he represents the American Citizens as they were kind enough to label his shirt with the word sheep.


For the full connection

Search ' what buildings fell. '

in the sauce and read from there. The sauce is all of the connections, with pictures, that I've found in the movie, relating to this event, and I put it in a large X thread that is TOO MANY characters/pictures to post here, but reads very nicely in thread format.

