Anonymous ID: e76b48 Dec. 8, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.20045534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20044551 pb

>nicotine patch for "covid"


FFS take Flush Nicotinic Acid, cheaper, safer. Been saying this since the start of "Covid." Look up Dmitry Kats from Chapel Hill. Learn about Nicotinic Acid. This is Dmitry's life's work. Join the club or just get the info. He was calling out McCullough and the white coat doctors long ago and has been banned off X several times. He has done several interviews on Youtube.


Here is a vid of him at NIH during the height of COVID, trying to get info to NIH. Why was he suppressed, and now McCullough is coming out with nicotine patch therapy for covid…