Anonymous ID: 88c56e No Name Twitter History Deleted Dec. 9, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.20049066   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Request for Dig.


Today, I've been researching Arizona Senator [no name]. I am looking for an original photo of his trip to meet Syrian Terrorists (see image). And upon searching, his entire twitter history has been deleted prior to October 4th 2017?


Curiously, this is coincident with a huge amount of traffic regarding the Las Vegas massacre, and subsequent events which launched the Q.


After researching the topic, I find many of his tweets prior to this date, captured as images - and posted on other platforms - but, even the Stanford Twitter archive for this fellow have been expunged (although the cut-off date is one day, four hours later than his Twitter history).


Has anyone researched this? Is this temporal connection the reason he later died (according to his daughter and a House Republican)? Now, I'm even curiouser!?