Have dug on Anna for nearly two years now. Read her writings every day. She's correct on what has happened to our lawful government since the Lincoln days and the sham of shams [they've] pulled off over the decades. Abe was not honest.
I've emailed her a couple of times and she answered back. I told her that I've sourced her information and everything she's researched and documented. It's all true, but……………..there is zero in the way of an "enforcement mechinism" to force these people to stand down, recognize, accept and make whole the living man and woman. She's right on the law, the history. But words on a piece of paper has not and will not force USA Inc. and franchises to relent. I told her I have done well for myself and my family no matter how "unlawful" this USA Inc. is and that I am not willing to put at risk everything I've worked for my entire life just to go up against these motherfuckers so that they can take everything from me and put me in prison.
Until there is a way that forces these people to comply and results in zero peril for the living man and woman to return to the land and soil jusridiction, I am staying put.
She wrote back and said "exposing them" is the enforcement aspect of this. Well, perhaps but I know this for a fucking fact. There is no bottom of the barrel so to speak to which these evil motherfuckers will not stoop. Covid is a prime example one. Logic dictates that given this sole fact, they give one rat's fucking ass what is exposed about them or not. [They] hold the power. All of it and no amount of exposure, embarrasment, humiliation or anything else is going to cause them to relinquish it. [They] are void of these human emotions. They are sociopaths. They don't care. Until they are physically forced to cease and desist, nothing changes. And we all know what that entails. Not here, not for that.