Anonymous ID: 7c488c Dec. 10, 2023, 7:39 p.m. No.20056009   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6054

US pilot ejects from F-16 fighter jet moments before plane crashes into Yellow Sea off South Korean coast


A US F-16 fighter jet crashed into the Yellow Sea off of the Korean Peninsula

The pilot reportedly escaped the plane and was rescued

Anonymous ID: 7c488c Dec. 10, 2023, 8:46 p.m. No.20056281   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6288 >>6300

Harvey Weinstein’s penis looked like it had been chopped off, sewn back on

One of the women accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault described his penis as “disgusting” and said in court Monday it looked like it “had been chopped off and sewn back on.”

“I didn’t really see a full sack, I literally just saw a penis,” the accuser — known to the court as Jane Doe 2 — said at Los Angeles Superior Court when questioned by Deputy District Attorney Paul Thompson.

During his opening statement, the prosecutor had told the jury the alleged victims would describe the disgraced producer’s deformities in detail.

“Because of an infection, his testicles were actually taken from his scrotum and put into his inner thighs,” Thompson told the jurors during his opening statement on Oct. 24.

“None of the Jane Does will describe his anatomy perfectly, but most of them will be able to describe these abnormalities that they observed during the assaults.”