both damned temples died
both damned temples died
yummy juw needs juwur halp
whips bribes hookkurs >>20056408
those juws should swim back to israel
juw totally wants to finger butthole like his daddy did him in greek frat
murdered pedo with free advice rides ruth bader ginsberg to social akward justice
everybody hates alec baldwin island might sue
everybody hates rump island
to halp su[[ort
juws hate juws bribes
lost temple over gambeling and a whip tho
juws hate juws hates juws bribes is sue too >>20056442
crock pot of velvetta caught hubbards juws swimming towards MACRONi
Beware of false profits, which come to you in twat clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. conniving faggots
microwave it longer
those faggots should bang huh