Anonymous ID: 2531c2 Dec. 11, 2023, 6:11 a.m. No.20057548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7556

>>20056588 lb


hi "Alex"

trying to make Tony look like John?


>>20056480 pb

proved bygoldbugshill?

you can really see the remembrances when you bring in Chester

Weiner is nothing like Mengele

sorry. not soory.

that's "Alex's" "sense of humor"

He thinks we're really completely stupid. And depends on that, actually.

It's the basis of his "humor" and his love of himself and of the spotlight.

"goldbug" is an "Alex Jones" Production

They need to muddy the waters on visual identity, because of "Alex"'s position as a death-faker. And there are many others.

Whatever was done to Hicks, most people (myself included) failed to see the resemblance. But others they haven't been so careful with.

Think of the pedoJoe Biden substitution? Who is that anyway? Ears don't match earlier version, etc.

As far as "Hick/Jones"

Matching teeth proves it (about Hicks/ Jones), anyway - in any case; and there's much more evidence - than initial visual facial confirmation.

some people finally saw it in the vid showing Hicks on stage, back in the day

(vid rel coming up next)

A person can be disguised - or resemblances blocked, by changing one feature only.

The mustache on Adolf, for example.

(But I think for him they did more that just the mustache, actually, His later faces, with which we are familiar, are too wide than on earlier photo versions of him at a young age.

Anonymous ID: 2531c2 Dec. 11, 2023, 6:14 a.m. No.20057556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7561 >>7568 >>7632


part 2 hope it fits.

the vidrel has footage of Hicks/Jones. Some people who couldn't see it before, saw it here.

It didn't look particularly striking to me.

But just a reaction from a very smart friend, fellow researcher.


hard to say exactly since some photos must be, obviously, confiscated and/or forged, to enable all their tricks.

No surprise their political trickery work overlaps with theater, and stage magic.

goldbugstarted on here very recently.

Same routine active on YT in the past to quell the "conspiracies" on how all these people are related and on how they do "fake - deaths" etc.,

And were called out at the time.

But of course, those vids were erased / de-platformed.

(Why do they do it? for espionage and to super-charge certain "Star" brands $$$ after "death" haul, And to get their agents either off the scene , retired, and/or to control a new "gig"? Probably many reasons. They may have limited assets and need to re-use the same people, whom they can trust? Or maybe family members who need to return to a private life?)

(Hicks was so pleased with himself while talking about his new gig, while on stage during his last performances - those days when he was, allegedly, in the last weeks of terminal cancer.)

They will always try to convince you, your eyes are lying.

They think they are very advanced in that.

Pride themselves on it.

They needed to wash away the impression of Mengele / Podesta.

There are more project-paperclip people involved with our government, in permanent positions than just Podesta. So there is a pattern and a full picture being penciled in, over the years; not a one-off

Goldbugjust joined a few months ago . Before that they were comfortable leaving us alone with it.

(They must be getting scared. Truth closing in? Now that DJT is leading - and free speech for the masses looks like its on the way? And perhaps indictments and public disclosures?)

People at the back of the intel can use the hints we surface here to dig farther than we can.

They have FISA surveillance, after all.

It works both ways.

"goldbug"has been a constant on here for only (at least?) a few weeks.

I noticed when it started in, not too long ago.

It tries to muddy the waters around visual matches, Uses crappy photos. and dissonant matches. half faces. ridiculous matches to mock the real thing.

Shilling. Obviously paid.

it's for people who haven't studied it.


(Miles Mathis, who's become a crazy shill Jew-hater, used to be very helpful in visual analysis; plus context. Being talent in drawing people for art work, plus being very logical adds up to an important talent for him. People who want to learn about that recognition/ analysis talent should read his early essays, if still available.)

Goldbug Never gives background.

Just a mockery. Typical for "Jones" operation.

I know it's "Jones" because of insiders in Austin, who are on to him.

He and "Marked Dice" got worried since layman investigators got too close to the truth.

Their blockage operationgoldbugcompares to when they insert a black frame into a broadcast to subliminally block out what you just saw.

They did it on 9/11 TV day when helicopter over New Jersey and their operators fucked up the "live shot" (17 seconds delay?) displayed the "nose-out" blooper.

Nose of fake aircraft appeared to pop-out the other side of the Tower.

Shills were employed for weeks and years to convince everybody it didn't happen and it was just "dust," that coincidentally formed to look exactly like the nose of the "plane"

(massive online personal attacks too, and of course outright bans and erasures)

John Podesta looks zilch like his alleged brother, Tony; (in case you 've been misled).

Somebody brought it up and that's why I chimed in last night. Then anons picked up that Tony and John's alleged Mom adopted scores of children and had unexplained connections to high people all over D.C.

Most people are blind, just sayn' They believe what they are told.


The moar they try to blur it, the more it glows, and the more they prove it by their shilling. And the more with free speech that it can be brought -up. and discussed and clarified.

Why so afraid of free speech?

All the "conspiracy" talk could easily be proved false, if it, in fact, it was false.

But think: all they do is flat denials. and the buzzword "conspiracy;" as with PedoJoe's spokeswoman. They have very limited routines available to deal with free speech and free thought.

"That's Debunked" they declare, and just leave it at that.

Never any discussion of details. Just a gloss.

Anonymous ID: 2531c2 Dec. 11, 2023, 6:31 a.m. No.20057632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>All the "conspiracy" talk could easily be proved false, if in fact, it was false.



Why would I want to stop it

again provedby insta-shills.


"911 Flatline by genghis6199 Part One"

Anonymous ID: 2531c2 Dec. 11, 2023, 6:59 a.m. No.20057732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no it wasn't

NATO are NAZI and use

"We're fighting communism"

to stage terror attacks, etc,.

And to push NWO

Adolf was a royal, actor. and psychopath, incest with daughter/niece.

just like Bidens

Biden supporters love Adolf

while claiming Trump is hitler


Operation Gladio

Anonymous ID: 2531c2 Dec. 11, 2023, 7:09 a.m. No.20057767   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here's one saved on archive.

it's by the Oz Auteur.

9/11 Taboo

Guy was so badly harassed and threatened, that full piece was never uploaded; released.

"Alex Jones" was part of the vicious team blocking it.

Some even blamed "AJ" for the "mysterious" death of Dan Wallace.

"Alex" mentored the Putin look-alike who took the girlfriend of Dan, the day Dan was found dead.

"didn't wake up"


9/11 taboo (incomplete)