Anonymous ID: 914321 Dec. 11, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.20057522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7537



The Roman circle (and USA…) that wanted Benedict to resign. This circle included «a leading emissary of the US government, with his hands in finance (where he still is) and in Italian politics, and a figure from the top levels of the National Security Agency (NSA) who was boasting of his resignation to which Benedict XVI would soon be forced, as the first weeks of his pontificate passed. He did it with ease and arrogance, from which the plan transpired even above his very powerful organization.


But why was a pope like Ratzinger considered an obstacle for the USA to eliminate? After all, he was above all a theologian who had led the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican for 24 years, a conservative on a doctrinal level, but completely alien to the global political disputes of that era.


Something more, in this last aspect, came to light only years later, when in 2020 the writer Peter Seewald, author of «Benedict XVI. A life" revealed for the first time some of Ratzinger's judgments on world political leaders. It was thus discovered that Barack Obama, US president from 2009 to 2017, had launched and carried forward ideas that the pope "could not share". As president, and before that as a leading leader of the US Democratic Party, Obama was the forerunner of the "new rights" in sexual matters and the necessary legislative openings.


A line considered progressive, pursued by the US elites already in 2005 (including the NSA), and implemented by Obama during his mandate, supported by the favor of the mainstream media and the LGBT movement, which exported it to Europe. A line, however, rejected by Ratzinger as "relativist", in contrast with Catholic doctrine. It is no coincidence that, in the progressive and pro-LGBT world, Obama has been used as a counterpoint to Ratzinger: the former US president is indicated as a politician who "radiates hope", while the German Pope, "stricken by fear, wants to limit the the freedom of the people as much as possible to impose an era of restoration"


Ratzinger's resignation, announced surprisingly, dates back to 28 February 2013. The Pope justified it with the physical fatigue of old age (ingravesciente aetate), but many remained in doubt that the real cause was another, unspoken one. Hypothesis which was confirmed in an article on the Belgian website Media Press Info dated 5 April 2015, in which it was revealed that, within the Swift system, which regulates the transactions of 10,500 banks in the world, distributed in 215 countries, «on the days preceded the resignation of Benedict XVI in February 2013, all transactions of the Vatican bank, the IOR, were blocked. And without waiting for the election of Pope Bergoglio, the Swift system was unlocked immediately after the resignation of Benedict XVI." Media Press Info added: «There was blackmail coming from who knows where, through Swift, exercised on Benedict XVI. The profound reasons for this story have not been clarified, but it is evident that Swift intervened directly in the direction of the affairs of the Church."


In essence, with the exclusion from the Swift circuit, the Vatican bank could no longer sell or buy, in fact it was treated like the banks of rogue states (see Iran). A block decided after in March 2012 the US State Department (President Obama, with Hillary Clinton at the helm of the Department) had included the Vatican among the countries susceptible to monitoring for money laundering. Blockade which, as if by miracle, was lifted immediately after the announcement of Ratzinger's resignation.


That the IOR and the Vatican finances were not a model of transparency was known to everyone, including Ratzinger, who certainly did not share the methods, expenses, luxuries and waste of the caste that administered them. Methods and waste that came to light following two Wikileaks scandals (2012 and 2015), the first based on documents stolen from the drawer of Gaensweien, who investigated on behalf of the pope, the second on other documents stolen from the commission of inquiry wanted by the pope Francis immediately after his election.


In any case, the latae sentence excommunication was immediately triggered for a former president of the United States (cn1370)